Banrot usage


In Bloom
Hey so a long time ago when I was having severe contamination problems I bought a bag of banrot . Supposedly it prevents spores from germinating while not harming live mycelium I tried it a couple times and think I used too much has anyone used this with success? I have a $80 bag of it here not being used and if I can figure out a way to utilize it might be worth it


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
No experience with it here but some responses from Roger Rabbit

RogerRabbit said:
I found no problems when using banrot, and the fruits came out normal. It seems I used 1 tablespoon of Banrot 40WP per five gallons of soak water, but that could probably be reduced.

Banrot will prevent fungi spores from germinating, but doesn't affect mycelium. It also seems to prevent bacteria. I once left a freshly sterilized jar of rye berries exposed to the open air for half an hour or so, then closed it up and a month later, it was still contaminant free.

However, good sterile procedure renders it unnecessary for grains, and while soaking casing material in it will prevent trich and cobweb, proper pasteurization and good air exchange will also prevent mold on casing layers. I prefer growing without chemicals and am generally an organic gardener. The Banrot experiments were simply experiments. Dried and crushed Rhododendron leaves will also help prevent trichoderma and cobweb in casing layers.


RogerRabbit said:
They use Banrot 40WP. I ran several experiments with this fungicide a couple of years ago. It is so powerful you can soak rye grain in it, then PC, then leave the lid off the jar for 24 hours in an open room, and the grains won't contaminate. It can also be applied to casing material, and I guarantee that no trich or cobweb will grow on it.

It works by preventing spore germination, so it has to be inoculated with live mycelium, as nothing will happen if you try to inoculate with a spore syringe.

After determining that the Banrot 40WP works, I stopped the experiments because I see no reason to use chemicals to replace proper clean room procedure. A properly pasteurized, NOT sterilized casing layer will have no trouble surviving two flushes, which delivers 90% of the fruits you're going to get anyway. After two flushes, I recommend tossing the tray into your outdoor garden and replacing it with a fresh tray for the most effecient use of your growroom spa
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