Emerald triangle police force cover up


Tha Dank Hoarder
not just 60’s, dude it’s been all of time for most part when people get that power and no consequences for such

this is why cops need a 3rd party that has nothing to do with cops monitor them on every action . You can’t have your buddies and union make the judgment and policy of who stays in that position and punishments…. It’s obvious the corruption if theres a obvious loophole to bully people , nothing new in history and this is just one small chapter of legal hustling


In Bloom
not just 60’s, dude it’s been all of time for most part when people get that power and no consequences for such

this is why cops need a 3rd party that has nothing to do with cops monitor them on every action . You can’t have your buddies and union make the judgment and policy of who stays in that position and punishments…. It’s obvious the corruption if theres a obvious loophole to bully people , nothing new in history and this is just one small chapter of legal hustling
It goes even further when you throw in privatized prisons...


High as a Hawk
Shit like this has been going on for years - remedy _ Keep everyone informed about issues and back TOTAL Legalization (which we all do) the only thing we have gong is the "Safe Bankin Act", going to be votedon in Congress. Senate -- this will allow Banks to take in dispensery money - that US Banking can't take money made by dispenseries because Marijuana is Illegal _ SO make it legal so the Banks cangetinto the act + taxzation by the Government -- Once Federaly llegal the "SnowBall" will pick up steam' Look at the states that made it legal it's a 1,000,000 dollar indrustry + yearly - BUT once totaly legal there still will be issues


Underground Chucker
Dirt bags man! Decriminalization over legalization, all day everyday, in my eyes!!

'Legalization' just gives them the authority to tax and regulate... While still criminalizing it...fucking Hippocrates! If it were decriminalized, there would be no legal recourse...

Over a plant that grows in nature, regardless of our interaction/intervention with said plant! And it only brings happiness and good vibes, for what, almost anyone And everyone that's ever tried it...

I know there's a small minority/majority (of misinformed) that don't agree with it/me, or it/I with them (I mean, we don't all have natural cannabinol receptors in our brains for no reasons). Plus, growing, in general, is simply therapeutical in and if itself!

? but that's ok with me and should be with them too... I have no ill feeling for a non-smoker/grower/consumer and I wish the best for them and their situation regardless, as a human being... Whether or not they wish the same for me... However
No matter how fucked up it is..I'll do me... You do you...ok! Can't we can all just get along Bra!?

But, with that said, Didn't nobody ever smoke some weed and be like "let's go rob this mf over there or fuck this fool right here, "I hate that mf" imma take what I want, cause that's what's up!...merica, pew, pew! No!!" U Up-tight, lost touch with reality, douchbag!?

I may be getting a bit out there at the moment? but maybe not... Anyway

This plant has lived long before we came to existence and will live on long after we're gone. And will leave a happy trail from here to there, the whole way through. Our "legal" system is fucked. I'll stand for a 'natural' system over a "legal" system all day, anyday... I'll leave it at this

Legality seldomly translates to morality ?


Underground Chucker
Damn! Got me there!!?

Sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do, lol.

Sometimes when people say "ah, Jesus Christ!" I be real quick with it, like "HEY! Christ had nothing to do with this/that!"?

Damn autocorrect...I do 99% of my posts from my phone.. I was trying to jot down my thoughts before they escaped me. But, I knew it looked a bit off while I was typing it tho, but just rolled with it ?


bad mother chucker
Staff member
Damn! Got me there!!?

Sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do, lol.

Sometimes when people say "ah, Jesus Christ!" I be real quick with it, like "HEY! Christ had nothing to do with this/that!"?

Damn autocorrect...I do 99% of my posts from my phone.. I was trying to jot down my thoughts before they escaped me. But, I knew it looked a bit off while I was typing it tho, but just rolled with it ?
All good, my brother. ??

There I was reading a well thought out and entertaining rant and all I did was cherry-pick a typo like a :poop:.

(this place, man. can't do shit like this without somebody getting pissy anywhere else. here we just laugh and shrug and enjoy. i hate sounding like an ass-kisser but once again, thank you so much to @spyralout , @JL2G and the rest of the hall monitors for letting us hang out here)


Underground Chucker
Why is it never "ah, Mohammed"? No point, just years of wondering.
Ha! Valid wondering. It probly is a thing somewhere,lol... Just not around these parts?

All good, my brother. ??

There I was reading a well thought out and entertaining rant and all I did was cherry-pick a typo like a :poop:.

(this place, man. can't do shit like this without somebody getting pissy anywhere else. here we just laugh and shrug and enjoy. i hate sounding like an ass-kisser but once again, thank you so much to @spyralout , @JL2G and the rest of the hall monitors for letting us hang out here)
All good in the hood! Love this place??
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