Growing stuff and doing things


Zeroes and Ones
Try pressing at 185°F. I have found it to be a great all around temp to start. Yields can be surprising. Some plants don't give nearly what you expect regardless of frostiness. Others need to be hashed out to shine. Most modern hybrids yeild better than some of the older cultivars. It is a lot of fun figuring out which way works best for what cut.
Thanks, I’ll try that tonight too! I’m trying to make sure that nothing is going to waste, I’m decarbing and washing the pressed pucks, adding that to the RSO I make.


Zeroes and Ones
This is an enclosure for an esp-01 with one of those dht11 boards,

like this

Amazon product

with this as power input

Amazon product

and this regulator

Amazon product


I'll have a pic of the finished thing later

this code will get you up and running, use generic esp8285 in the esp8266 family for the board in arduino IDE

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#define DHTTYPE DHT11
#define DHTPIN  2
// Replace with your network details
#define ssid "your_ssid"
#define password "your_pw"

ESP8266WebServer server(80);
// Initialize DHT sensor
// NOTE: For working with a faster than ATmega328p 16 MHz Arduino chip, like an ESP8266,
// you need to increase the threshold for cycle counts considered a 1 or 0.
// You can do this by passing a 3rd parameter for this threshold.  It's a bit
// of fiddling to find the right value, but in general the faster the CPU the
// higher the value.  The default for a 16mhz AVR is a value of 6.  For an
// Arduino Due that runs at 84mhz a value of 30 works.
// This is for the ESP8266 processor on ESP-01
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE, 11); // 11 works fine for ESP8266
float humidity, temp_f;  // Values read from sensor
String webString="";     // String to display
// Generally, you should use "unsigned long" for variables that hold time
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;        // will store last temp was read
const long interval = 2000;              // interval at which to read sensor

String newHostname = "ESP_01S_DHT11";

void handle_root() {
  server.send(200, "text/plain", "Hello from the weather esp8266, read from /temp or /humidity");
void setup(void)
  // You can open the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor window to see what the code is doing
  Serial.begin(115200);  // Serial connection from ESP-01 via 3.3v console cable
  dht.begin();           // initialize temperature sensor

  // Connect to WiFi network
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  Serial.print("\n\r \n\rWorking to connect");

  // Wait for connection
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("DHT Weather Reading Server");
  Serial.print("Connected to ");
  Serial.print("IP address: ");
  server.on("/", handle_root);
  server.on("/temp", [](){  // if you add this subdirectory to your webserver call, you get text below :)
    gettemperature();       // read sensor
    webString="Temperature: "+String((int)temp_f)+" F";   // Arduino has a hard time with float to string
    server.send(200, "text/plain", webString);            // send to someones browser when asked

  server.on("/humidity", [](){  // if you add this subdirectory to your webserver call, you get text below :)
    gettemperature();           // read sensor
    webString="Humidity: "+String((int)humidity)+"%";
    server.send(200, "text/plain", webString);               // send to someones browser when asked
  Serial.println("HTTP server started");
void loop(void)

void gettemperature() {
  // Wait at least 2 seconds seconds between measurements.
  // if the difference between the current time and last time you read
  // the sensor is bigger than the interval you set, read the sensor
  // Works better than delay for things happening elsewhere also
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
    // save the last time you read the sensor
    previousMillis = currentMillis;   

    // Reading temperature for humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!
    // Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (it's a very slow sensor)
    humidity = dht.readHumidity();          // Read humidity (percent)
    temp_f = dht.readTemperature(true);     // Read temperature as Fahrenheit
    // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
    if (isnan(humidity) || isnan(temp_f)) {
      Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");

very cheap wifi temp/humidity sensor

I programmed mine differently than this, if you want to use mqtt I'll explain how it's set up. I'm working on a different script in python that inserts messages published to the mosquitto mqtt broker into mariadb mysql.


Elite Hobbyist
The dude mastered the automation...and not like an that works :D

To me its all fez gauze and flux capacitors but man...efficient. The water use impresses me the most (weird or what).

But if you dont have to water 30 plants what the hell do you do in your grow room whilst smoking a fatty ? That is how i stick to soil :D

Seriosly awesome @dstroy0 I need my kid to find bingo bash on my phone....but i love new tech so i am like a zoomer


? Guy Fire-y ?
The dude mastered the automation...and not like an that works :D

To me its all fez gauze and flux capacitors but man...efficient. The water use impresses me the most (weird or what).

But if you dont have to water 30 plants what the hell do you do in your grow room whilst smoking a fatty ? That is how i stick to soil :D

Seriosly awesome @dstroy0 I need my kid to find bingo bash on my phone....but i love new tech so i am like a zoomer
I don't have the luxury of controlling temp and lighting, for the most part. I love watching what can done when you can control those things. I'm old and had a heck of a time figuring out that damn digital timer?


Zeroes and Ones


Zeroes and Ones
Humble pie day 1 12/12

This is after 32 days of veg, I changed the nutrient formula again three weeks ago:

.1g/gal Sea-k (from gln) it’s dry kelp
.25ml/gal hyshield chitosan
80% of 3g2g1g jacks 321 (12gA 8gB 4g epsom per 5 gallons)
I have some calcium in my tapwater about 20-30ppm depending on the season so if I switch to RO I’d add some calimagic
I had the start of a potassium deficiency before bumping the jacks up to 80% and maybe .1g/gal of the sea-k is still a bit hot any more than that and I lock out calcium.

0B9C5288-74BF-467D-81AA-579ECB88F5B4.jpeg 224E9035-B20F-4A7D-B96C-2FDA67900C95.jpeg


Zeroes and Ones
weed genius, just saying. I always feel lost and amazed when i visit. The garden looks flawless, amazing work. Can’t wait to see how the humble pie finishes.

Thanks, Me too! It’s nice to have veg set it and forget it. I’ve been thinking about getting some of jacks bloom and trying that for the first two weeks of flower or maybe some mkp. If I don’t change anything and this works like megacrop v1 I’ll get tip burn from K def from inducing flowering and then when potassium demand goes down a couple weeks after the flip the deficiency goes away.
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