Hi everyone

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I just signed up a few minutes ago and wanted to say hi to everyone. I am somewhat new to growing and want to take it to the next step. I figured this might be the best way to do it. Sign up for a forum and read as much as possible. I have recently started a grow so I hope to get a journal going soon. Anyway, just glad to be a new member and wanted to say this forum looks amazing!
Welcome aboard. You have the right idea: read and study and learn. There are a lot of talented folks here who will be happy to provide some assistance when you hit a bump.
Thank you. I tried using websites and youtube but it seemed as if the information was always conflicting. One site may say do it this way, then another says this way. I just want to know what works and why it works. Not 50 different ways to do it.
Thank you. I tried using websites and youtube but it seemed as if the information was always conflicting. One site may say do it this way, then another says this way. I just want to know what works and why it works. Not 50 different ways to do it.

Well, that's going to be an issue. :)

One of the first lessons is that while there are a million wrong ways to grow, there are also many right ways, too. Just looking around this site you will see many growing methods and mediums and new things being developed as we speak.

My advice is learn the plant first. Start simple, make a plan, and stick with it through a grow. Make sure you have your PH and PPM in range. Take notes, watch what your plants do in response to their environment and to nutrients. Learn to read the plants.

Once you feel you have a handle on that, then is when you start developing your own style.

A second lesson is to verify everything you read or are told. There is a lot of misinformation and myths out there, some perpetuated by well-intentioned people.

Experiment. Make hypotheses and test them. Realize that things that don't work out aren't failures, but gains in knowledge.

Best of fortune on your journey.
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Well, that's going to be an issue. :)

One of the first lessons is that while there are a million wrong ways to grow, there are also many right ways, too. Just looking around this site you will see many growing methods and mediums and new things being developed as we speak.

My advice is learn the plant first. Start simple, make a plan, and stick with it through a grow. Make sure you have your PH and PPM in range. Take notes, watch what your plants do in response to their environment and to nutrients. Learn to read the plants.

Once you feel you have a handle on that, then is when you start developing your own style.

A second lesson is to verify everything you are told. There is a lot of misinformation and myths out there, some perpetuated by well-intentioned people.

Experiment. Make hypotheses and test them. Realize that every thing that doesn't work out is not failure, but a gain in knowledge.

Best of fortune on your journey.
This makes so much sense it's scary. I am a reader so I won't have shortcomings of that. More then likely one of the few people left in the world that collects and reads actual books. I like to know the why and how things happen so I can understand better. I mean I have a couple grows under my belt but they went terrible. Seeds everywhere first grow. Barely anything worth smoking the 2nd grow. My last went much better but now I am taking the angle of wanting to do this seriously. At first it was just a toss a few seeds in soil and see how it goes. At least there a ton of valuable information here. I plan on starting a journal soon here.
Welcome Rorschach, the key to growing is to do it your own way, experiment to learn what works best for you, your environment, and schedule, and have fun while doing it. Most important IMO, is to start small and light, use as few 'supplements' as possible, and as simple and easy as you can make it in the beginning. Sure there are tons of nuances, but the main factors of growing are environmental conditions, Proper PH, and Proper nutrition. Once you are dialed in, its likely you will only need to visit the a grow once every few days for actual care, but if you are like me, you'll visit many times per day just because.

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