Why eat Lionsmane? (Hericium Erinaceus)


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
Here is a medicinal that I have recently started, going to make capsule supplements out it when finished..

Hericiumis is an adaptogen. Adaptogen's are herbs and fungi that are said to help the body resist external and internal stressors. Stressors can be physical, chemical, and biological. Various herbs, mushrooms, and roots have been used for centuries in Asian Healing Traditions and are just recently getting recognized in Western culture.

Hericium erinaceus, aka Lions mane is the top neuro-protective mushroom that we know of. Consumption can protect brain tissue as well as greatly aid in memory loss and regeneration. It even looks like a brain ?! .


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
I have been lucky enough to find a couple in the wild on old oaks, super cool looking. Too old to eat unfortunately.
They are definitely cool looking, and a few different looking varieties to boot! Just innoculated a few logs a couple days ago will be exciting to see anything happen next year...going to start some indoors soonish.


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
I used to get catalogs from fungi perfecti. Always wanted to do that just lack proper space for them.
They have a lot of good stuff! And the space for logs..ya..hence why I personally dont have any at my home. Though I have been playing with the thought of a 4x4 woodchip bed, broken up egg cartons..lined with cardboard, little bit of organic soil some gypsum..but I may wait until spring on that...

Lionsmane on a phone book.....


The last one i got said they were getting out of the kit and spore game and just continuing their supplements. I watched Paul Stamets on the Joe Rogan podcast. That is one cool ass smart dude. I wish i could go foraging with him just once. If you get a chance i recommend checking out the podcast.
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