Idlewilder Adventures


Underground Chucker
Like I said I watered every day...mon, wed, fri food, and if needed water on the other's..
But I don't do the overwatering with run off..
So I don't say much to most cause my way isn't for most..
Looks good if she would just get those fans up..
Yeah, I might need to figure out some automation so I can leave for a few days if needed. The fans will be cut off soon enough. That will slow her down a little

Capt's Farm

She definitely perks up after a good watering. I need to follow your advice. She’ll get watered when lights turn on and I’ll get her wet everyday. It’s close to lights out now and I don’t want soggy roots
Not everyday but a little more than you were ..

Rule of thumb for me
32 oz or so a day, I just like to feel a like moisture at the middle of the fab pot..

I'll run my hand on the side, if I don't feel much I water...

They all look good..
Keep rocking it..
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