Shu’s autoflower journey


In Bloom
My apologies for being away for a bit. We've been crazy busy! But it's looking good my friend, I can't wait to see what you get run #2. Please dm me if you need absolutely anything at all my friend!!! I truly hope you enjoy them and I can't thank you enough for the support!
No need to apologize my friend. Busy is good. Hope making some new killer strains. So out the four I grew so far of yours. Betty white, frozen kong , kero kermit , and queens mace. Betty white got the biggest buds. And has a super unique gum like smell to her. Curing right now. Hopefully have a taste in a couple weeks. Frozen kong got pretty tall faded nicely easy grow. Smaller but dense ass buds. And smelled like a teenager with bad b.o. Curing as well. Be a few weeks before test. Queens mace got stunted I do believe the soil I was using was pretty hot. Found out after having lots of trouble. Didnt know the soil was enriched with nutes. Explains alot. But anyway she is the frostiest of the group turned a beautiful purple and even being a 1 ft stick I had the stake her off. Dense ass buds. So I can only imagine what she be like even grown in better conditions. Will be happening soon. And she is in cure aslo be a couple weeks before test. Now kero kemit. It was small as well might have also been stunted. Took a bit longer but packed on some good weight at the end aslo turned some purple frosty and got a good dank smell to her. Easy grow and I recently bought the herbsnow drier and she is in it for the maiden voyage of the drier. Out with hang drying its really hard this time of year with high humidity. She should be done today and herd you can try right out the drier and its amazing so might have a test for you sooner on that one. But Ill pop some more now that I got my soil under control and see what I get. And continue to post and review as I go. Im impressed with your strains keep it up and Ill be picking more up as soon as I run though these. Stay safe and happy my friend. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻


In Bloom
Day 72 serial crusher theory super easy grow. She is so frosty and her buds pack weight daily. Getting to be to much for her stems. Didnt do much to her some pruning and just let her go. She really packs the bud on in late flower. She is what dreams my are made of. Cant fucking wait to get her in my lungs. IMG_3315.jpeg IMG_3314.jpeg IMG_3309.jpeg IMG_3308.jpeg IMG_3307.jpeg
she is almost as wide as she is tall.
No need to apologize my friend. Busy is good. Hope making some new killer strains. So out the four I grew so far of yours. Betty white, frozen kong , kero kermit , and queens mace. Betty white got the biggest buds. And has a super unique gum like smell to her. Curing right now. Hopefully have a taste in a couple weeks. Frozen kong got pretty tall faded nicely easy grow. Smaller but dense ass buds. And smelled like a teenager with bad b.o. Curing as well. Be a few weeks before test. Queens mace got stunted I do believe the soil I was using was pretty hot. Found out after having lots of trouble. Didnt know the soil was enriched with nutes. Explains alot. But anyway she is the frostiest of the group turned a beautiful purple and even being a 1 ft stick I had the stake her off. Dense ass buds. So I can only imagine what she be like even grown in better conditions. Will be happening soon. And she is in cure aslo be a couple weeks before test. Now kero kemit. It was small as well might have also been stunted. Took a bit longer but packed on some good weight at the end aslo turned some purple frosty and got a good dank smell to her. Easy grow and I recently bought the herbsnow drier and she is in it for the maiden voyage of the drier. Out with hang drying its really hard this time of year with high humidity. She should be done today and herd you can try right out the drier and its amazing so might have a test for you sooner on that one. But Ill pop some more now that I got my soil under control and see what I get. And continue to post and review as I go. Im impressed with your strains keep it up and Ill be picking more up as soon as I run though these. Stay safe and happy my friend. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Much appreciated my friend!!! Glad to hear you are enjoying them! That drier is actually pretty decent, you should enjoy it. As with most things, there's an art to it. I like to pull them a bit early from the drier and finish the last 5-10 RH off in burping jars. But you may find a way that works best for you and I highly encourage playing around. The environmental RH plays a big factor in the overall time it takes in there. You'll find your way around it pretty easily I'm sure. Thanks again and if there's ever anything I can do to help you out, please don't hesitate to reach out. Be safe my friend!


High as a Hawk
Lecter from sawney beans. small breeder. Amazing strains. She went to day 69. In a one gal pot. very easy grow. Frosty. And nice dank smell. dense ass buds. awesome purple color. this is the second one I have grown. Popped another shorty before I harvested this one. Starting to become one of my favs. View attachment 203182 View attachment 203183 View attachment 203184
Good to hear that _ Sawney - is a great breeder - have Lecter - have many strains from Sawney _ can't seem to find him anymore. ??


High as a Hawk
For sure. Imo there just as good as photos. People I know cant tell the difference. My buddy hooks people up. Never a complaint. And all autos. they are perfect for people like me. I dont know if Ill ever grow a photo.
Yea!! they do have their place in the marijuana world. one can get two harvest in summer maybe 3 depending when you start (early. early spring planting)


High as a Hawk
Can you share some of your all time favorite breeders and or strains for autos? Would be great to hear your thoughts
please let me add: check out "Speedrum" (a.k.a. Mutant Seeds) their Citrus Bubblegum (5oz in a 7 gallon - 1lb in a 15 gallon) - had bad luck with Mepiato's double grape- no germination. Fast buds -OK Atlas Seeds is OK - Remember the yields are directly related to the amount of light you give the plant ! <amy run auto's with their "regular" run and add a auto - growing it 18/6 and 12/1`2 flower - even tho yields will be some what small BUT you will get to sample your. Good to get some sativa autos from ACE their NL strain (good yields) this way one can run sativa strains taking less times to flower -9weeks vs 15 weeks. NO luck with Night Owl genetics poor germination. Please let me add that the auto breeders at this site have some great genetics !! also Grome has a few great strains


In Bloom
Good to hear that _ Sawney - is a great breeder - have Lecter - have many strains from Sawney _ can't seem to find him anymore. ??
Hes on autoflowernetwork. the only social media he does Im getting some beans from here soon. lecter is a beast of a strain. Hardy and quick and frosty. Smells amazing too. If you need any or anyone else wanna give his strains a try feel free to dm me and I can get some to you. He loves to share his creations.


In Bloom
Hes on autoflowernetwork. the only social media he does Im getting some beans from here soon. lecter is a beast of a strain. Hardy and quick and frosty. Smells amazing too. If you need any or anyone else wanna give his strains a try feel free to dm me and I can get some to you. He loves to share his creations.
I’m gonna hit him up for next years greenhouse grow.


High as a Hawk
Hes on autoflowernetwork. the only social media he does Im getting some beans from here soon. lecter is a beast of a strain. Hardy and quick and frosty. Smells amazing too. If you need any or anyone else wanna give his strains a try feel free to dm me and I can get some to you. He loves to share his creations.
been there - Autoflower network - let me check and see how many different genetics of Swany's I have will gladly send you a few _ Please give me a day or so to get back to you --Peace (think he did Runtz x Thai - been wanting to run this for quite some time )


In Bloom
been there - Autoflower network - let me check and see how many different genetics of Swany's I have will gladly send you a few _ Please give me a day or so to get back to you --Peace (think he did Runtz x Thai - been wanting to run this for quite some time )
He is actually sending me a care package here soon with his new lecter. I cant wait. I got like 6 of his strains right now. But Im fixing to share a bunch. Spread the love man. What this all about. I think I seen your name a time or two on the afn. Looks familiar.


In Bloom
Much appreciated my friend!!! Glad to hear you are enjoying them! That drier is actually pretty decent, you should enjoy it. As with most things, there's an art to it. I like to pull them a bit early from the drier and finish the last 5-10 RH off in burping jars. But you may find a way that works best for you and I highly encourage playing around. The environmental RH plays a big factor in the overall time it takes in there. You'll find your way around it pretty easily I'm sure. Thanks again and if there's ever anything I can do to help you out, please don't hesitate to reach out. Be safe my friend!
For sure man. Im going to drop a queens mace Here end of the week. I wanna see what she can do under better conditions. She was the frostiest out the group. Im excited to get some dry and testing done with the herbsnow. I think your right Ill have it dialed in no problem. Almost fool proof in a way. He says you can over dry in it. Not sure about that one. hopefully in the next week I can some smoke reports. I been patiently waiting for a decent amount of time for the cure. If wasnt splitting my harvests with the dude thats place Im growing at I would have smoked some already. But I try get a couple week cure before we split the harvest. He dont know as much as I do so I do it for his benefit. Make sure he get the best possible product. Giving me a place to grow and access to his place anytime. He deserves it.


In Bloom
Gave serial crusher theory the chop tonight 75 days as advertised by the breeder. She got some dense frosty buds on her no larf with how wide she was some lite trimming and all the buds site got good light. And it shows. Put her in the herbsnow 96 hours from now Ill be giving her a test. IMG_3319.jpeg IMG_3321.jpeg IMG_3320.jpeg


In Bloom
I’m gonna stay tuned. I really enjoyed the blue dream I grew years ago it was from HSO and An auto and it was a super nice euphoric high that lasted a while. I hope these autoseeds bluedream turn out good for you. The Durban also has my attention I have some photo Durban I want to run.


In Bloom
I’m gonna stay tuned. I really enjoyed the blue dream I grew years ago it was from HSO and An auto and it was a super nice euphoric high that lasted a while. I hope these autoseeds bluedream turn out good for you. The Durban also has my attention I have some photo Durban I want to run.
well have a seat enjoy the show. Im hoping I keep the plants happy and healthy for the grow and show. I always feel alittle bit of anxiety to do a good job for them.


In Bloom
well have a seat enjoy the show. Im hoping I keep the plants happy and healthy for the grow and show. I always feel alittle bit of anxiety to do a good job for them.
I feel the same way and I’m not having good germ rates so far. At first I soaked two of each. When I didn’t see anything from the Ak or northern I soaked the last of each of those. One original ak popped still nothing on the northern lights. There’s still time but for the first drop it’s not looking good though. The second drop of ak and northern might still pop. I probaly started close to 80 beans this spring with about 80% germ rates and some were pretty old so I know I’m doing it right lol same way for the past five years with great germ rates. My older beans have been sprouting faster. I hope the ones I wind up with do good at least.
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