

High as a Hawk
I confess, I have a marvelous little starter I feed daily and bake bread with it quite regularly. Bread and pizza mostly, pancakes too with the throwaway stuff..The current one is from San Fransisco, USA. I got a bargain German made grain mill so I usually get local organic (landrace? pre-modern era) wheat berries from a local healthfood store and grind my own fresh flour. That said the stores have a wider selection of flours these days as baking as a hobby during covid lockdowns seem to be a thing to do for quite many people and thats great for me too !!


(pic not mine, nicked it from the web, courtesy to u/RYouNotEntertained on Reddit)

Anyone else love making sourdough bread? My 2 favorites are jalapeno-cheddar ⬆️and olives-hazelnut ⬇️ combos with 20% wholewheat 80% AP, hydration usually 90´s ...


(courtesy Perfect Loaf ) I add pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts depending on mood..
your beads look very good - can't beat sourdough are you will to share your recipe ? Dam just got up and seen your post. now I,m hungry
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