Best way to keep cool in summer


So guys, as it’s heating up I’ve toyed with cooling options. I found a cheap portable aircon but also want to know how a decent small water cooler would go and forget the aircon.
At full blast in summer the temps sit between 30-low 40’s..on scorching days I juts dimmed the light to help, other than a better quality tent? I have a bro cell and it’s cheap and nasty.. The 6” ac infinity fan and controller is bloody awesome at keeping temps prett constant. It’s just those few months over summer is gets pretty full on
Sorry if this is the wrong part for this, I’m a new year and haven’t been on forums much.. cheers legends
I'd try and run your lights on at night if at all possible, if your humidity is low enough a small humidifier can help cool things a tad as well, I'd take a peep at a vpd chart and see if you can get your humidity up to get closer to the green zone at those higher temps, and if your not running leds for lights that's definitely not helping lol what light are you running??? And if you mean watercooler like a swamp cooler/evap cooler that will most definitely raise your humidity, just my 2 cents im sure others will be along shortly with other options ??????
Those chillers are fairly inefficient, and unless exhausted , (out of the house) the power consumption nets heat. Just like how a fridge may keep food cold, but warms up the house.
Swamp cooling is only effective below 30% Rh. However it will make you plants happy. Bathtowel, fan, resivior, fountain pump, and your all set.

I am on the Plains and deal with +30C
, weeks on end.
At 40 C , I would run 4 hours on, three hours off, 4 hours on , 12 hours off.
Sounds stupid, but you still get the 12 hours of uninterrupted dark , 8 hours of light, and a big cool down time in between. The DLI , of course dips, but consider~
heat will denature a plant and kill it. You are sacrificing yield , and perhaps still harvesting fluffed bud, but at least you get a harvest.

Another contraption I have implemented is essentially a root cellar intake lung. I only have to dig down about 40 cm, before the soil stays a cool 16 degrees Celsius. I can draw cold air from there, and I can circulate hot water through there.

Consider those mean ass Equatorial strains that can better cope with heat. Sativas in summer, Indicas in winter.

Those are all the least expensive options I have tried.

,,, or just a big ass AC.
The trouble with money is , I have to use it to buy my way out of problems.
Those chillers are fairly inefficient, and unless exhausted , (out of the house) the power consumption nets heat. Just like how a fridge may keep food cold, but warms up the house.
Swamp cooling is only effective below 30% Rh. However it will make you plants happy. Bathtowel, fan, resivior, fountain pump, and your all set.

I am on the Plains and deal with +30C
, weeks on end.
At 40 C , I would run 4 hours on, three hours off, 4 hours on , 12 hours off.
Sounds stupid, but you still get the 12 hours of uninterrupted dark , 8 hours of light, and a big cool down time in between. The DLI , of course dips, but consider~
heat will denature a plant and kill it. You are sacrificing yield , and perhaps still harvesting fluffed bud, but at least you get a harvest.

Another contraption I have implemented is essentially a root cellar intake lung. I only have to dig down about 40 cm, before the soil stays a cool 16 degrees Celsius. I can draw cold air from there, and I can circulate hot water through there.

Consider those mean ass Equatorial strains that can better cope with heat. Sativas in summer, Indicas in winter.

Those are all the least expensive options I have tried.

,,, or just a big ass AC.
The trouble with money is , I have to use it to buy my way out of problems.
It’s only for 3 months of the year, the rest it’s perfect. Just tossing up the pros and cons, plus air cons hot vent would be blowing outside. Lower the ambient temps in the grow room so the tents suck it in. Well that’s the plan anyways but yes portable air cons are heavy on power
Swamp coolers are a def a good option for lowering RH or if you don’t have a a/c (or need more btu’s) or if your a/c is sucking out your humidity below rh of 30% and it def can compete and being most are 100-500w and can perform at such high cfm bs a a/c = it’s a amazing effect cooler and humidifier . Look at people in dry area’s like dsert zones or Colorado , hell I find since my not a LP and my a/c‘s def wanna beat my RH to hell. Last season I tested a swamp cooler and it def seemed to work, only reason I didnt cement it as my pure “humidifier/cooler additional “ is because you have to run it on “fan only” at the end of its cycle every day for 30minutes, well being a 12/12 hour cycle and the hours were crazy it would make me have to wake me up and have to sit in a room or go back and forth just for a that, every day? I just say on my log On my pulse (enviroment controller ) when I ended the swamp cooler every time it would drop from w/e I wanted ( used my quest to control it) and within 15-30 minutes its below 45% rh( a/c kills the RH that’s fosure)

soooo i had to go a diff route on my RH, wish the swamp coolers didn’t need that “30 min at end than off”or I would of been perfect, if it could of had it on a timer and been perfect :( Inless other brands did it differently that’s why I’m telling people this before they spend their cash and think it can be done and you can just leave it and be blind and forget about it. The manual even stated “ you must be in the room”

I had a webcam limiting directly on it + pulse knowing what the room and it could text/email me if things swinged beyond what I wanted in the RH/TEMP or misc, after a few trials with the swamp cooler for a few days I knew I could do it np with ”selfless room” and be safe , just have to do the 30 min turn off.

Example of swamp cooler (model I bought)

sorry for the long post
Swamp coolers are a def a good option for lowering RH or if you don’t have a a/c (or need more btu’s) or if your a/c is sucking out your humidity below rh of 30% and it def can compete and being most are 100-500w and can perform at such high cfm bs a a/c = it’s a amazing effect cooler and humidifier . Look at people in dry area’s like dsert zones or Colorado , hell I find since my not a LP and my a/c‘s def wanna beat my RH to hell. Last season I tested a swamp cooler and it def seemed to work, only reason I didnt cement it as my pure “humidifier/cooler additional “ is because you have to run it on “fan only” at the end of its cycle every day for 30minutes, well being a 12/12 hour cycle and the hours were crazy it would make me have to wake me up and have to sit in a room or go back and forth just for a that, every day? I just say on my log On my pulse (enviroment controller ) when I ended the swamp cooler every time it would drop from w/e I wanted ( used my quest to control it) and within 15-30 minutes its below 45% rh( a/c kills the RH that’s fosure)

soooo i had to go a diff route on my RH, wish the swamp coolers didn’t need that “30 min at end than off”or I would of been perfect, if it could of had it on a timer and been perfect :( Inless other brands did it differently that’s why I’m telling people this before they spend their cash and think it can be done and you can just leave it and be blind and forget about it. The manual even stated “ you must be in the room”

I had a webcam limiting directly on it + pulse knowing what the room and it could text/email me if things swinged beyond what I wanted in the RH/TEMP or misc, after a few trials with the swamp cooler for a few days I knew I could do it np with ”selfless room” and be safe , just have to do the 30 min turn off.

Example of swamp cooler (model I bought)

sorry for the long post
All good mate appreciate the input. I work away for a week at a time so my set up needs to be pretty self sufficient for the week and yes I know a lot can go wrong in a week ?? so far it’s good, just the odd blumat dropper not tuned correstly to and abit of overflow or drying out but other than high room temps in summer that’s my biggest issue. Had one season I grew out big bud/norther light autos and they lived the heat, 1 plant was 250g dry. Fist size nugs so I may just have to choose really hardly or heat tolerant plants for summer

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