Can I spray green clean in first two weeks of flower ?


In Bloom
Actually if you've ever followed me in forums since 2012, you would know how I use and it and the many many tricks I've passed down to other growers in that time.

Usage for promis is 1ml/gal the first two waterings of new ffof soil. Meaning it only gets used in veg, NOT in flower. So the ONLY ti
mes I use it is when I uppot from the aero cloner going 8nto solo cups with ffof, then again from solo cup to 5 gal nursery pot. That's it. It's 90 days plus from uppot of solo cup to 5 gal nursery pot, then a long ride until chop in flower.

But I appreciate the concern.

I've tried nearly ever product, BT (125/gallon) the fg use as a shampoo and laugh. Gognats, natnil, blah blah blah. I've tried it all. Sticker traps (yellow) work for fliers. If you have fliers, your just chasing your tail trying to rid them. Sand don't work, de don't work (many many fans in my flower room).

Another key bit of info would be something an FF rep told me in 2014. FF puts hyposasis miles in their bags of soil to help eat the fg larvae. Direct from the FF rep. It's why they are in the bags and I can visually see them on the nursery pot rim. I have great eyesight. I used to do paint inspections on 80k paint jobs for GM.
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Taste The Spectrum
IPM Forum Moderator
Half life in soil is tens to hundreds of days, generally reported as 40, so even at the 90 day mark 25% is still there. Then it lasts in the plant tissue too. So even at extended veg times it's still there when flower is done.

I'd prefer a single application of spinosad via soil drench. The single most important thing, manage watering.
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