Hows your state doin with pot?

Skunky Dunk Farms

Cannabinoid Receptor
Interesting headline in national news yesterday.
Seems here in Oklahoma has more pot than Colorado, Oregon and Washington state combined and has only been legal for 3 years!
One interesting note is that in Colorado it costs $100,000 to open a grow, Oklahoma, $2,500 .
Anywho, how's your state add up?
See here in OK its only $2,500 dollars for a commercial grow licence. Anyone can get in.
There are little dispensaries all over in the counties put pf towns with buildings out back that produce all stock in house.
THIS is how it should be except that $2,500. Too much. Tax sales but stop charging people to try. Why does gov always have to stifle those wanting to work their own business? is just better as a black market and we as outlaws...I believe the word you were looking for is "Plebian" or "Proletariot" not people...lowly common people...the working class.
I love working for some dickhead who thinks like that...can u say...charged quadruple of what I would have charged sure can exactly what I will do.

I live in Virginia...they just legalized MJ for adult over 21 rec and is still pathetic...4 plants a household...that shows you how scared they are. is just better as a black market and we as outlaws...I believe the word you were looking for is "Plebian" or "Proletariot" not people...lowly common people...the working class.
I love working for some dickhead who thinks like that...can u say...charged quadruple of what I would have charged sure can exactly what I will do.

I live in Virginia...they just legalized MJ for adult over 21 rec and is still pathetic...4 plants a household...that shows you how scared they are.


Really though, the black market in Canada is so far beyond the legal market in terms of quality and price that there's no point in going to dispos here. I'm not going to pay $50 for a half gram of shittier concentrates than my last plug made at home.

The government here went with legislation that favors giant corporate producers, no quality control, garbage end products, and corporate box chains staffed by ignorant chuds instead of ensuring any kind of quality. The standards up here are generally shockingly low (as I've found with other things, like pizza).
Lol ? how's my state doing?
Still in debates on the best way to steal every last penny they can from terminal patients only. Everyone else gets a go straight to jail, do not past go, do not collect $200.
You could possibly qualify for a medical card if you have less than a year to live.
The card cost $$$ and has a tax as well.
The only people that can run a dispensaries are 3 different companies. 2 of which are government ran and the last we be raffled or highest bidder.
Do I need to mention that you must have like 10 years experience to grow or work in said facility, so no in state growers can qualify.
All this is still in debate panels and committees. So it will never happen.
I'm sure I'm leaving out more great stuff.
IMO, if they don't let you grow your own then they are failing. Look at what is going on in CA right now with the market saturation and it's just sad. The grow ops are so big, and there are so many of them, that they are practically giving pounds of their product away to resellers...but the price of the product to the consumer doesn't seem to reflect that at all. It's only a matter of time before this happens in most legal states where grow ops are producing more than the dispensaries can sell. The dispensaries make all the money and the growers get the shaft.

Decentralization is key, imo. If cannabis continues to be grown in a decentralized way (ie, many people grow and share with each other/the community) then the overall supply is of higher quality, is less prone to shortages, and it's harder for any one rogue government entity to kill off. As soon as we start relying on corporations for those things, shortages start happening and prices start rising (see: Canada).

I think the home grow model should be expanded far beyond cannabis. If I grow a fuck ton of peppers and share them with three of my neighbors that also grow food at home, the odds of any of us going hungry decrease.
Here in MA the state legislation makes a decent bit of sense. It's $2000 for an indoor cultivation facility license, and $1500 for outdoor license. There's also a free microbusiness license for small operations both for cultivation and product manufacturing. We have legislation for delivery services, product manufacturers etc. Heck, we even have legislation for social consumption clubs, so theoretically we could have a little Amsterdam somewhere, which would be pretty sweet.

But in practice it hasn't really panned out. MA loves to let the towns/cities get involved and that's where things go off the rails. The towns are allowed to charge whatever fees they want in addition to the state fees, and the number of licenses per town are at their discretion as well, which has led to a lot of backdoor negotiations. In the town I live in so far all the dispensary licenses have gone to city selectmen and prominent real estate developers. People who already had ties to mayor. Meanwhile I haven't seen a single microbusiness application get approved. I've considered going for one myself but from the people I've spoken too it doesn't sound particularly lucrative in the long run. Too many hoops to jump through, too much money to put up even with no state license fee.

Decentralization is key, imo. If cannabis continues to be grown in a decentralized way (ie, many people grow and share with each other/the community) then the overall supply is of higher quality, is less prone to shortages, and it's harder for any one rogue government entity to kill off. As soon as we start relying on corporations for those things, shortages start happening and prices start rising (see: Canada).

I think the home grow model should be expanded far beyond cannabis. If I grow a fuck ton of peppers and share them with three of my neighbors that also grow food at home, the odds of any of us going hungry decrease.
I agree 100%. I was recently reading a study that suggested we could reduce a ton of pressure on food supply chains, costs and environmental impacts by encouraging more small scale farming in cities using rooftops and empty lots and even indoor hydroponics gardens. It would greatly reduce the risk of food shortages from natural disasters, disease and other supply chain interruptions that our current model is extremely prone too. If there was a corn blight next year we'd be fucked. Food prices would skyrocket. And even now, the only reason food prices aren't worse is government subsidies, which I could go on an extremely long rant about but it would probably veer into topic matter we're rughtfully discouraged from discussing on this site lol
NM legalized recreational weed last year. Sales don't start till April 1.

4 plants per adult allowed in flower, 12 in veg. Used to be 6 in flower for medical card holders. Dispensaries here barely keep up now with the medical buyers. I need to check what the micro grow permits cost. Those are like 250 plant max.

This is a total tax grab here.
Politicians are already to spend what they don't have yet here.

Decentralization is key, imo. If cannabis continues to be grown in a decentralized way (ie, many people grow and share with each other/the community) then the overall supply is of higher quality, is less prone to shortages, and it's harder for any one rogue government entity to kill off. As soon as we start relying on corporations for those things, shortages start happening and prices start rising (see: Canada).

I think the home grow model should be expanded far beyond cannabis. If I grow a fuck ton of peppers and share them with three of my neighbors that also grow food at home, the odds of any of us going hungry decrease.
The MN constitution or whatever our state papers are called allows for one to sell anything they grow in their gardens. But not weed lol.
Also, fuck legal. Fuck giving the state a red cent of cannabis tax after everything they’ve done to us. The ONLY reason the tide is turning is because the powers that be see it is more profitable now to sell and tax than to keep imprisoning and confiscating. This was NEVER for our interests, do not forget that.

Also, fuck legal. Fuck giving the state a red cent of cannabis tax after everything they’ve done to us. The ONLY reason the tide is turning is because the powers that be see it is more profitable now to sell and tax than to keep imprisoning and confiscating. This was NEVER for our interests, do not forget that.

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