Underground Chucker
Which brand does the best job of preserving flavors?
I have been a user of Boveda 62 since the beginning. During the course of using these particular packs, I have noticed a common muffled scent throughout my jars. I have jars that cure for months sometimes before even getting cracked open and when I do the flavors are not as deep as I would like. A few months ago I filled two separate jars with a known strain off of the same plant, one jar I placed the Boveda 62 in and the other without. After 30 days of curing, I passed the jars around to multiple people and the consensus was unanimous. The jar without the Boveda pack had a more robust and deep smell than the one using the pack. I have since started rotating the packs in an out of the jars just so I can maintain moisture levels. Any other experiences?
I have been a user of Boveda 62 since the beginning. During the course of using these particular packs, I have noticed a common muffled scent throughout my jars. I have jars that cure for months sometimes before even getting cracked open and when I do the flavors are not as deep as I would like. A few months ago I filled two separate jars with a known strain off of the same plant, one jar I placed the Boveda 62 in and the other without. After 30 days of curing, I passed the jars around to multiple people and the consensus was unanimous. The jar without the Boveda pack had a more robust and deep smell than the one using the pack. I have since started rotating the packs in an out of the jars just so I can maintain moisture levels. Any other experiences?