Illuminati OG


In Bloom
Has anyone else ever had this strain?

To date my all time best high. I remember it both fondly and vividly. The most amazing part, no neck, as in my neck would seemingly disappear or at least feel as though it had. My head felt like it was floating above my shoulders, on a microscopic, yet perfectly smooth hinge. The inside of my head felt empty and lighter, which was oddly pleasant. Oh, and alllll of this effect after a single toke from a joint.

1 Ounce, all I've ever had/come across...pretty sure there is 0 hope I'll ever find the seeds since 3c doesn't sell them :(
I didn't see anything negative. Stay here longer and you'll get the feel for everyone's personality.
Definitely a possibility. I've just never heard 'Cool story bro' used in a way other than facetiously. Could be age, demographic or regional differences. End of the day I just go with my gut, felt passive aggressive like I mentioned. Also, the lack of engaging with my post in anyway other than the meme/pic. Idk doesn't matter. Just observations.
I would second @jpockets420 assertion here, I highly doubt Amos intended any kind of negativity with his comment, and likely actually thought it was a cool story bro

That aside, to answer your actual question, I believe Illuminati OG was a clone only cut from the Josh D OG, aka the original OG Kush. So you are correct, you probably won't find seeds of it. That being said, you can get Josh D OG seeds still so while it may take some hunting, that would probably be your best bet for finding that same high again
This seems unnecessarily passive aggressive... and also the first response/interaction with anyone on this forum that wasn't a positive one. As the saying goes, it had to end sometime.

Didn't mean it negatively at all. I genuinely thought it was a cool telling of an experience you had enjoying a weed strain. All that wouldn't have fit in the meme, so I went with 'story'. It's gone now
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I would second @jpockets420 assertion here, I highly doubt Amos intended any kind of negativity with his comment, and likely actually thought it was a cool story bro

That aside, to answer your actual question, I believe Illuminati OG was a clone only cut from the Josh D OG, aka the original OG Kush. So you are correct, you probably won't find seeds of it. That being said, you can get Josh D OG seeds still so while it may take some hunting, that would probably be your best bet for finding that same high again
Good suggestion!

If I did misinterpret Amos, my bad, and apologies. If I didnt, then... lol j/p
Ya it's clone only like was said. I did find the autoflower version though. ☮☮
Is it the pacific seed bank one? Ive heard they're not very reliable in their "breeding" but I've personally never ordered from them. When I was researching their lambsbread I got scared away by all the bad reviews and pictures that looked noth like lambsbread
Is it the pacific seed bank one? Ive heard they're not very reliable in their "breeding" but I've personally never ordered from them. When I was researching their lambsbread I got scared away by all the bad reviews and pictures that looked noth like lambsbread
Ya that's all I could find. They probably just made a strain that had similar effects as the original and slapped the name on it lol
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