Jewels of Afghan


Tilts at Tables
Time for a body blow. I have been accumulating Indica beans with the help of my frens.

The less money I spend on a grow, the happier I am.
Let us dive directly to the bottom of the dumpster, and get this party started !

I have used ice cream pail lids before. This time I am using the bucket.
Bon Fromage !


Starter fluff in a Croissant clamshell.

I am rue to jinx a spout with a name. I always wait until the second set before I convocate.

I will tell you that these @Bodean beans popped off hard and hairy.
Complete with free crusty truck stop paper towel.

Altogether, over %80 sprout , after 48 hours.
I haven't busted off like this since New Years. Feels good to be growing weed again.
when I'm taking down 70 year old fences
Federal offence ?
Taught my girls to duck-thru like they was stepping into the ring, on that one.
It was a good training fence.

I rather enjoyed your communal bed approach, Skunky. When I first started growing I was shuffling plants around like a bloody squaredance. I am not that ambitious anymore. Grew em where they stood, I just snipped the males as they showed.
Ooey gooey Afgani,
By name and description.
Chung Lee (Southern Star Seeds) :: Cannabis Strain Info
@Keif Lint employed some of that.
This is a breeding project, and I believe the PeyoChung will make an appearance.

Chair has been pulled up
I hope it reclines. ?
There were 23 packs on the shortlist. Reality dictates a smaller group this time around. Damn near killed me, but I narrowed it down to 7.
I am rue to jinx a spout with a name.

believe the PeyoChung will make an appearance.

WTF? is wrong with me?
How far can a guy get when he breaks his own rules ?


Had to be a mouse.
Those Cotys must be tasty AF.
%100 destruction. All gone.
If it was green, it was eaten.
View attachment 20210911_105805.mp4

Dunno if I should be laughing, or crying.

This is the only ' unreplaceable'
I only got three seeds from that Branch pollination, and that was the only seed I was ever able to pop.

This is just a speedbump. As a parent I am emotionally well-equipped to deal with the unexpected. ?

. Make it happen Jewels!
So much fun, I'ma gonna do it again !
WTF? is wrong with me?
How far can a guy get when he breaks his own rules ?

View attachment 81605

Had to be a mouse.
Those Cotys must be tasty AF.
%100 destruction. All gone.
If it was green, it was eaten.
View attachment 81606

Dunno if I should be laughing, or crying.

This is the only ' unreplaceable'
View attachment 81607
I only got three seeds from that Branch pollination, and that was the only seed I was ever able to pop.

This is just a speedbump. As a parent I am emotionally well-equipped to deal with the unexpected. ?

So much fun, I'ma gonna do it again !

Love our hobby!!
Happy day !
I had forgotten that these were held back. I musta spun them around oopside-down when I first checked on them. The roots were spiraling around the husk. I left them aside, to give the root an extra day to straighten out.

Only those at Khitomer could understand what just happened here.
Sooo glad these were hiding away.
Coming to life today. It was a little chilly in the shack, so I took them outdoors to calve out in the morning sun.
They dug that yellow face.
This poor sod may be extirpated; extinction in the wild.
Luckily the sly dogs at Next Generation Seed preserved it, before the whole place went up in smoke.
Lillooet 'Black' x Romulan

The irony is not lost on me, now the whole town is black– and I got their green !!

To further explore the depravity of my humour , I have some crosses in mind and I am going to start igniting my own " BC Fire "

images (4).jpeg
Anyone who has composted hay knows how invincible that grass is. I swear the Aspen chips disappear more quickly. Recall, I only get 120 frost free days; takes a couple seasons I figure , to disappear that stuff. As such , my pile of fouled bunny litter is ever increasing in size.
To add insult - much of the dung I am looking to harvest ends up matted and lost ( for a couple years anyway) in the hay.

Gotta change tack.
This is classic Jewels problem solving,,,

-Where is it, at the moment?
-Where do I want to be ?

Simply insert a wish in between those to questions.
" I wish I had an easy way to directly harvest dung, without all that pesky hay "

Finished compost, in the litterbox.
20210916_105245.jpgÆthena approved.
Notice my bunny is buff. The wife was killing her with kindness. With a new baby in the house, I took over all bunny duties, and leaned her heavy alfalfa pellets down %50 with Timothy pellet. More expensive, although I believe the new feed will increase her life expectancy.

Re-pop is going swimmingly.
I love it when they bush out like that.
Black Romulans

Just a quick update:

My Nepalese Projects - I've been working with Nepalese Highland from Tropical Seeds.

Strain: Nepal Highland

Strain Type: Highland Nepalese 5th generation is a traditional pure landrace charas cultivated at himalayan Nepal an altitude of between 1000m - 3000m received by Refeerman.

Flowering times: 60-70 days, mid-end Oct.

Yield: High yielder indoor and outdoors

Bouquet: From floral, citrus and sweet-creams scents

Effect: Strong high, uplitfing and corporal, full body effect

I was originally planning an open pollination to create a surplus for more of these seeds before beginning to dive in deep. However one male's structure was absolutely impeccable. It was hands down the best naturally structured plant I have ever grown. So I chose to cull all of the other males in the room to ensure everything produced was the progeny strictly from this stand out male.

Other very intriguing pollinations hit with this Nepalese Male:

Dark Star - is a 100% pure indica strain that was bred by TH Seeds for the purpose of creating a medical strain that was true to its Afghan roots without overpowering its benefits. This strain was born by crossing two already infamous strains, Purple Kush and Mazar-I-Sharif, to create this mind-numbing, though not particularly strong bud that is a favorite amongst all users whether medical or recreational is your top choice. It's not really too surprising that this is a medicinal favorite, especially amongst newer users, as its THC comes in on average at around 19% and almost guarantees consistent results. Covered in crystal trichomes and pink hairs, these forest green, almost navy blue, buds are truly a sight to see. The smell is aromatic with coffee and earth notes on the forefront and hints of tangy kush on the back. The taste is sweet and rich with herbs and coffee notes dancing on your palate.

I hope everyone is in good health and keeping their morale high throughout this new chapter. Stay strong and I'm wishing all of you and your families the warmest, kindest wishes.

Kind Regards

Unreleased Gk Genetics


Be well, Frens.
Cooked a few, trying to dial in the room.
Been a bit, starting to recall 'how to grow weed' again.

Coming along.
Mk Ultra F2
TH Seeds, (OG Kush x G-13)

Good news is always easy to share,,,
Disaster is often endured alone.
Jewels F's up too. I cannot believe I am saying this twice in one Journal, but the mice have struck again ?

I had left the seeds in an open container and they became a very deluxe snack. I have seen those advertisements for exotic bird feed before, although: I have never spent so much time preparing a meal for a rodent.
Seems like they cleaned out the goodness. I tried germinating about a hundred of them and I got nothing. I am going to throw the rest of them in the dirt and see if anything comes up.

I love vocabulary. It's one of those skills I learned my school.

Some one here, (yes, one of my brothers resding this right now) once presented the sage acronym: JIC.
Just In Case.
Wise words
I was trying to recreate my own favourite strain
Philosopher Seeds
' Fruity Jack '
I grew out a bunch of 'Respect' and 'JTR'
I hit the lankest CBD looking female Respect with my most promising Jack the Ripper male. Since I had all these plants around I decided to do a JIC, and ended up hitting a female Jack with some Ripper pollen , asswell.
I did send out a couple of these packs before the Souris disaster struck -- so if you've got one, it is one rare bean.

So, slthough I do not get to try the Respect-borne seed, I still get a crack at the combo.
There are always survivors.
Jack the Ripper (F) X Respect
Time to break out the mouse traps and start snapping necks.

Great cross mate, JTR seems hard to find now. I tried getting in some Pennywise from Greenman Organic but it got intercepted.

Never seen the MK grown out so that's going to be cool and G13 anything will have me drooling.

Popped some of the last beans from Southern Star, 2 packs of Public Image (Harlequin BX4 x SnS Widow), only 2 came up, but better than zero.

Give me balls and all grows any day over pretty pics on insta!

Keep rocking it Jewels. :punkrocker:

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