In Bloom
Did a little test run today. Just to prove concept. Worked so well I just processed all my trim. Trommel still needs finishing but worked well enough. Needs sides and proper tray.
Working the the wood shed, old mobile home. -15 was brrrrr. Was going to light a fire in the old stove but I think cold is good for kief processing. Trim was dry. Worked it through the pizza mesh sifter thing first it’s attached to part of a 5g pail.

Then about a 15min tumble.

541g total? bottom right was SLH that didn’t finish. I just cut it down and hung it in the GH till today. Processed the whole plant minus stem. Will be interesting to see if it still works or is oxidized crap. Now I may do a press test or just make a pollen press and puck it all up. Enail is suposed to show tomorrow. hmmm

Working the the wood shed, old mobile home. -15 was brrrrr. Was going to light a fire in the old stove but I think cold is good for kief processing. Trim was dry. Worked it through the pizza mesh sifter thing first it’s attached to part of a 5g pail.

Then about a 15min tumble.

541g total? bottom right was SLH that didn’t finish. I just cut it down and hung it in the GH till today. Processed the whole plant minus stem. Will be interesting to see if it still works or is oxidized crap. Now I may do a press test or just make a pollen press and puck it all up. Enail is suposed to show tomorrow. hmmm