Answered Live chat box/shout box?


Extract Artist (BHO)
Used to have one on a hiphop forum back in the day loved it, live chat was such a fun place sure theres discord and all that but..

Just a suggestion i idle here alot cause i keep the tab open would be cool to just shoot the shit with whoevers on and bored ya know?


Tactical Gardener
Staff member
Used to have one on a hiphop forum back in the day loved it, live chat was such a fun place sure theres discord and all that but..

Just a suggestion i idle here alot cause i keep the tab open would be cool to just shoot the shit with whoevers on and bored ya know?
If I am not mistaken, this is the same functionality @spyralout is working on introducing.


Staff member
If I am not mistaken, this is the same functionality @spyralout is working on introducing.
That is correct. I haven't had a chance to do testing yet but I will try to do that this weekend. The main key here is that that we don't want to take away from people posting content and just end up chatting. But if utilized for just BS'n and whatnot, it can be pretty cool. Stay tuned.


Tactical Gardener
Staff member
Yeah sometimes I just be chillin on the page and it looks like lil dabbie over there havin' a ball. I would def stop in and shoot the shit if this happens. I don't social media or nothin' cause they all ain't growers...
yea somehow some way we manage to get over here bored uncle Spy... We neeed somewhere we can kick the can around a bit...


Staff member
That is correct. I haven't had a chance to do testing yet but I will try to do that this weekend. The main key here is that that we don't want to take away from people posting content and just end up chatting. But if utilized for just BS'n and whatnot, it can be pretty cool. Stay tuned.
I will be testing soon. I do want to give @Dino Party credits for bringing up the concept first way back when. If I end up making it work, then I'll mark both questions answered.

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