Looking for advice on upgrades needed to optimize

A multi-lamp fluorescent that has switches for 2 lamp operation and/or 4 lamp operation. Some come with reflective material that helps focus the available light a little. This in combination with some ease of use light hangers and I would consider that an upgrade towards optimization.
More light? I was worried the LED T5 bulbs might be too bright for clones. A different brand of light hangers?
More light? I was worried the LED T5 bulbs might be too bright for clones. A different brand of light hangers?
Well you said "upgrades" in your OP, and were not very specific, so it's reasonable that people might think you want more lights, maybe better spread, maybe just better efficiency with the light you have, or maybe you are looking to make this room into veg/flowering etc....

I don't think you really need to upgrade anything if all you are doing is cloning. If you want to keep them in that room for a little while after you've got them to the point they no longer need the domes, then you may want a humidifier and a fan and more lights maybe. But if you just go right into your up-pots shortly after roots show, and you don't plan on vegging very long in there, then I would say no need really.

Here's a link to a video of Kevin Jordy at Wonderland Nursery. You might be able to get some decent ideas from his set-up. It's fairly large scale tho. (y)

Perlite trick is cool. Are they using T5s? Looks like four
Bulbs a shelf like was mentioned before. Wall fan, humidifier, and them AC by summer. Ill post as things transform. Thanks for the great advice!
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