March 2024 Photo of the Month Contest


In Bloom

Do you do a spring cover crop like alfalfa or anything to fold under or just plant straight.?
I amend the soil with Organic Compost 1st


Then use a mixture of Down to Earth Organic fertilizers.


I measure all of the Dry amendments by the gram.


Give the Gallon Jug a good Shake to mix and Sprinkle the Top


Mix it in the top 2-3" and let it Ride till the end of May.

Apologize the Photo of the Month going off Topic.


The terps on her have been subdued Psychbilly. A touch of earthy sweet gas I think. Sorry I don't have any baby poop to report ! Can't wait to smoke her though.
Lol, that always blows my mind with Chem D; sometimes you're like "wait why isn't this pungent?", and I've heard this before too. Seems like a trait. Once she starts to cure I'm sure you'll know, but yeah it's funny one like that has almost no smell at first.

Hope you enjoy her as much as I do bro! She's a favorite :)
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