One of my seedlings did not crack the rock wool help


Underground Chucker
Normally germination takes a few days, but if you feel it's longer than usual you can try and manually cracking it open by rolling between your fingers and apply very light pressure. The goal is to open up the shell on the pointed end without smashing the embryo.


Underground Chucker
Is there any experienced growers in Springfield, MO? I could use some help with growing.
Not me my friend.

But, If you can't find someone to help in a hands-on fashion this is a place that can help. Most growers have issues in one fashion or another. You'll learn every day if you keep at it. I have personally tried a dozen different ways of germination just to see if one was better then the other and I have killed many of bean that way. Soaking the bean helps soften the shell to help the embryo open it up with its energy. Placing in a moist paper towel that's sealed in an airtight situation allows the humidity to stay high around the newly forming root without drowning the entire seedling.


I'm struggling, I've killed 12 seedlings in a month! The humidity dome with the germination thermometer haven't really been kind to me as of yet. The seedlings keep stretching and have brown roots. Need help for sure.


Underground Chucker
I'm struggling, I've killed 12 seedlings in a month! The humidity dome with the germination thermometer haven't really been kind to me as of yet. The seedlings keep stretching and have brown roots. Need help for sure.
There's is such thing of to much moisture.The roots zone loves a high humid environment but that can cause leaf rot. Once you have leaf material, start opening the vents on the dome. You can even take it off if you can keep the medium moist most of the time. I like to go in and plop a few drops in under the leaves on the main stem and let it trickle down into the medium. I do that every twelve hours or so in a normal situation.

Just remember more moisture is better on the roots not the leaves.
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Squirrely Seed Scatterer
Im not sure how to help with rock wool I understand you are using hydro I think that rapid rooter will work for that as well some guys on here swear by em. Im in soil but I dont use a dome for seeds so my guess is to moist wish I could help more. I saw so pics you put up dont remember where?


Squirrely Seed Scatterer
Are you set on hydro only reason I ask is cause hydro is not very forgiving. Get some pics up lets look at what you got going on if you want start a journal and put your whole setup so we can go thru it all in one place. Im down to help any way I can people on here are good at what they do and can help even more.


In Bloom
Not sure that I totally understand, but I always remove the seedling from the humidity dome after it breaks the surface of the rockwool cube. If not they will stretch.
The cube should be moist but not soaking wet (damping off happens), and don't try to squeeze out the excess water. Rockwool will hold air pockets unless you defeat the purpose by squeezing them. Roots need oxygen.

As @Jewels said above, all seeds are not created equal.

Here is a great site that I always recommend for new growers..veterans find it helpful too!
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