

bad mother chucker
Staff member
Any reddit users on the forum?

It seems like most of them eventually get discovered by the reposting karma whores and the like, but before that happened, places like r/Superbowl (about superb owls, much to the chagrin of NFL fans who get very confused when they visit:LOL:) was a great place to learn about a very cool family of bird. Now it's just clogged with reposts and merch hawkers and bad "art".

r/misc is a weird little place that provides a bit of entertainment, but after that, I'm mostly on news/current event type subs and it doesn't take long for a steady feed of that to make me angry and/or depressed.

Anyone have any favorite small subs they'd like to share? I figure we are small enough here that exposure shouldn't wreck them.
I like subs that provide humour without being overrun with kids, or that are dedicated to niche hobbies or interests.

(feel free to discuss any favorite larger subs as well, thought please respect the wishes of our hosts and avoid politics and religion)
not dissing but since u asked everyone has their own thing…. social media like all those kind of social media, exp for cannabis ain’t for me in anyway

brands and products and people who want to brag and prove they have balls by macro shots. Thing is if u looked by learning on these websites the plants are ultra easy to grow, you’ll never have a pest or nute issue and it’s a endless amount of fun

and this is why Im good on everything (social media ) besides discussion boards (ph) as a user and to be able to learn and discuss from eachother and journal my grow . This kind of thing actually has taught me so much and learned from others. I could careless about fake hyped on how easy growing is, cause growing no matter what it is takes effort and passion not a brand or product
not dissing but since u asked everyone has their own thing…. social media like all those kind of social media, exp for cannabis ain’t for me in anyway
I hear you. I'm not on any of what I consider social media. No FB or twitter or IG or any of that shit.

I consider reddit more of an information curator. There are countless subs on just about every subject imaginable and it can be configured to filter out shit you don't want to see. I ditch accounts every couple months for privacy and only use third party apps to access the site. I find it can be a very useful resource if one takes the time to learn to use it in a way that protects your privacy.

Oh, and I don't visit ANY cannabis subs. IMO, there is nothing of value on r/microgrowery or any related subreddits.
I'm on Reddit but it is mostly only for the really niche hobbies. Like r/chickens and r/fantasybball, r/smoking. There's a really small sub called r/doublesmoked that's about smoking weed and meat at the same time, but no one eve really posts there lol. I like all the r/whatsthis subs (whatsthisbird, whatsthisplant etc). r/vegetable gardening. Mostly things my friends and family are tired of hearing me rant about.

I had to stop following all the weed growing subs, they're just full of argumentative children. I had a dude absolutely lose his shit on me because I suggested a new grower get a CMH because he was on a budget. He just went off, PMing me links to YouTube videos about uMols and shit and how anyone who didn't use LEDs was an idiot and if you had a tight budget use Alibaba and on and on and on. That was kind of it for me.

I also still follow all the news feeds and stuff but I mostly just skim. They're depressing as hell and each one kind of has a clear bias.

It really is true that there's a subreddits for everything.... even things there shouldn't be.

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