I would love to go thru various lvls of treatment however even just the edibles I make for my wife even put me in a bad place..Hard to explain just how bad but it's to much...Makes me very uneasy and somewhat psychotic, what I mean by psychotic is unable to stop intrusive thoughts and downright paranoid..I get sweaty and jittery..I want to sleep but flat out the anxiety lvl is so intense it's impossible..I do consider my tolerance lvl to be quite low..It's always been that way no matter how often or how much I smoke..weirdest part is the capsules I made that made me feel this way I watch the wife eat 5 and go to work..My mom and stepdad eat 3 a few times a week...Even just one really smacks me and i dont understand why..I vape weed damn near everyday my tolerance never builds...One gram of bud gets me pretty damn high...My oldest daughter smokes daily multiple times a day and gets blowed out on a few hits while i watch my boy smoke entire blunts to himself. Wife will eat all these capsules smoke a whole J to herself and 10 minutes later smacking dabs just to hit the bong every chance she gets..Is body chemistry that different from person to person? I really want to do some RSO treatments on myself I just don't think I'm physically or mentally able to...I do know that even certain strains just do not agree with me at all and some are absolutely perfect...which has whats kept me growing so long..I smoke what i want not just what i can get...I'm now wondering if I use a strain that has no "bad" vibes like pure Michigan exclusively to make RSO or even edibles would it be something I could tolerate..I don't enjoy heavy indica at all and that's what ive made these capsules with
The chemistry is where I'll put my vote. Here's a good example where tolerance SHOULD play a role and doesn't :
I have some incredible, INCREDIBLE Canadian Rosin Chocolate. Each square is 50 MGs, full spectrum, all the bells and whistles. The in law, can legit eat a whole square, drive home, eat ANOTHER square of this, and then drive up North to go Hunting on the same day... I eat a quarter to a third of a piece at a time and chill out....
With this in mind, and get ready for some funny shit here:
I can smoke two Alpha Skunk Cheese joints, back to back, and go about my day.... I gave the in laws a single joint of that to try it out, and they couldn't even finish it.... Mother in Law, on the chair ready to nap, Father in Law walks off into the other side, and goes to lay down, and sleeps.
Susie Cream Cheese ? I give them ONE joint, and between the two of them, they have to put it out and they need a nap. I smoke that all day and still drive no problem.
Now to add some more "wtf" to this:
Wife made Chocolate like two years ago, and we made some for testing, and then a REALLY big batch up to save in the freezer. The Edibles she made the big batch from, were made from nothing but the trim of Blue Cheese and Chem D. I ate like half a sheet of that stuff.. The in laws would eat a piece like maybe one inch by one inch in size, as I'm mowing down half a sheet... No problem.
I feel like the Terpene Profile plays a huge part in this, because...What else would it be really ? I can smoke some Cheese or Chem crosses that put my in law's on their asses. I call it mud humper weed because it knocks your dick in the dirt. But then edibles come into play and.... Yeah LOL.
I can't fully explain that myself, but it's kind of funny how a dude that can eat 100+ MGs of THC, and drive up north without issue, gets knocked out from some Cheese like he was running off at the mouth to Mike Tyson or something.