Still Running>>>> Capt's Farms

Here is the

Renos Gg4 x Hcp that was used for
Capt's f2

It was reveg and needs to be uppoted

Also I made a big mistake and put weed and feed in my water 2 day's ago so these are getting hit as bad as I can...I went newbie for a month...

3 day's ago this f2 looked will look good in a few days...

I did the same with the Tangie99... but I didn't leave as much buds on it so right as it went into reveg I pulled it and I'm going 3run those beans later.... to see the difference form the others....15966665882461203946056306277235.jpg15966670400695412133505569102055.jpg1596667057833425091227050922223.jpg15966670697962002505324227067289.jpg15966665882461203946056306277235.jpg15966670400695412133505569102055.jpg1596667057833425091227050922223.jpg15966670697962002505324227067289.jpg
Outside is rough Cap. Weather, varmints, humans, law. Cool thing is I never saw what you had going on in the inside from the other place. I use T-5 HOs too :) One of my Sunblaze 8 bulb flouros is a bit more than 10 years old now and still going strong. I love the outside sun for my flowering plants. And I REALLY love bringing them inside when the rain hits or sun sets, which ever comes first.
Not sure you should be in the off leash area until you scoop up all those steamers you left last time.

You have no trouble posting private conversations.
Perhaps repost all those apologies you were working on ?
Not sure you should be in the off leash area until you scoop up all those steamers you left last time.

You have no trouble posting private conversations.
Perhaps repost all those apologies you were working on ?
Got nothing to say to you..
But good by..

You here to start shit...leave.....
Correct, I, like yourself, have involved myself in something that has nothing to do with me.
Difference being, I won't cross the line.

I wont dig through your septic field looking for shiny ones to quote.

I have the luxury of pretending non of that ever happened.
You do not.

Make it right.:yinyang:

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