Went to a funeral Friday


In Bloom
So, a friend I went to high school with and was friends with after passed away from throat cancer...he found out late December he had it and gone on March 24th.
It was a very awkward funeral ceremony...the remembrances etc were good, but then the priest, pastor whatever got up and did a sales pitch for Jesus and was like shaming people that were there etc...I was like wtf am I doing here...it was bizzare as fuck...then after when you walked out you had to walk out a single door and the guy was there asking everyone if they will come to Jesus and make a commitment right then and there... when they passed.
I do not go to church and have not since I was maybe 10...is this normal?
Then, guys who were better friends with him then me, I mean they hung out at his house etc all the time and live in the area...I had to drive 4 hours to get there...anyways the family kept asking people who they were and if we knew certain so and so who were not there...or where they are....do we know if they are coming...again...very very awkward.
I left early.
Very sad my friend passed and very sorry for the family that a lot of people are scum.

Thoughts? Comments?
This is why I hate funerals in general. I just feel like their awkward, archaic events. People always claim they help friends and family grieve but it seems like it usually just forces friends and family to interact with a bunch of people the deceased knew and they didn't...

All of my friends and family have been informed numerous times that when I give up the ghost they better not have a freaking funeral for me. If they feel like it will be helpful to congregate and mourn together they should have a party to celebrate my life. Dank food, dank weed and bourbon should be available to all who are interested. Then they should all move on with their lives, as happily as possible.

I'm truly sorry for your loss. Cancer is the worst. I imagine your friend wasn't an elderly man. It sucks to lose friends too soon.
This is why I hate funerals in general. I just feel like their awkward, archaic events. People always claim they help friends and family grieve but it seems like it usually just forces friends and family to interact with a bunch of people the deceased knew and they didn't...

All of my friends and family have been informed numerous times that when I give up the ghost they better not have a freaking funeral for me. If they feel like it will be helpful to congregate and mourn together they should have a party to celebrate my life. Dank food, dank weed and bourbon should be available to all who are interested. Then they should all move on with their lives, as happily as possible.

I'm truly sorry for your loss. Cancer is the worst. I imagine your friend wasn't an elderly man. It sucks to lose friends too soon.
Nailed it...exactly how I feel.
No...54 yrs old.
I lost many friends ( younger) in the military...they were different funerals...usually with honors and an honor guard with a military Priest, Chaplain or Rabbi etc...
Been to a few civilian type funerals...grand parents, friends parents...a few other friends...nothing like this...it was..."lack for words".

Thank you all.

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