The tables. There's a few small issues I have with em.
The guy who did the install didnt get a few of them perfectly level so some rows constantly try & close on you as you walk down them.
The legs have multiple sharp edges, I have pretty nasty slices all over my boots from them, cant imagine what it would have done to my skin/legs after seeing what it did to leather, I'm talking razor sharp.
The pipes they roll on tend to walk out the end & if you are not paying attention when rolling the tables from the end they can pinch your hands or legs/pants & it hurts like hell, a retaining cap of some kind would be nice.
The drains need a better catch system, I mean they work but a lot of fine crap gets past the screen on top so if it had like 2-3 screens of finer succession that would probably be a good idea too, more cleaning but less crap down the drain to clog it later.
Trellis poles need to be tapered & go into the table frame at least four inches (about 10cm), too much leverage gets put on them once trellis is pulled tight to only have a small shallow bracket screwed to the table frame holding them in place.
I also dont like the way my trays come together/attach, they want you to do a small overlap & goop some epoxy material to bond them together, I would prefer a small sleeve of some kind that sandwiches them that they lock into & glue that.