Mushroom Cultivation


Ate lots of cubes in my 20's and never got the effects I watched everyone else get. Would eat double and triple and when I finally tripped it would last like an hour tops. Always pissed me off. This is a good feeling. Really didnt expect to feel anything based on past experience but I'm pleasantly surprised. Feel good and happy. I'm old so happy isnt the first word I'd ever use to describe myself. Grumpy is more apt. This is a nice change.


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
Really interested in looking into an atmometer or evaporimeter. I am interested in measuring the rate of water evaporation from a wet surface to the atmosphere. I know some farmers and growers use them to measure evapotranspiration.. Anyone have any ideas around this or any knowledge?


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
Way above my pay grade. Dont even know what the hell those are.
Totally understand, my mind likes to break things down, was just interested in controlling/understanding the evapo-transpiration, or evaporation from the surface of the spawn and fruiting bodies, the casing soil and the compost, and also transportation of the water from the compost to fruiting bodies.

Good Read

Piche’s evaporometer makes it easier to control the actual evaporation, evapo-transpiration, although not yet fully able to control the behavior of the fruiting bodies of the assumed size of evaporation.

It is also necessary to have well-functioning controllers of micro-climate and knowledge of their functioning. This is due to the fact that the process of evapotranspiration (evaporation from mushrooms and casing soil) is the most easily adjusted when one can separately affect each desired parameter of the micro-climate in the cultivation room.

Controlling the evaporation. The behavior of the mushrooms after getting shocked is dependable of the process of water evaporation from the surface of skin of pins and fruiting bodies. This process is called transpiration. The skin of mushrooms as compared to the plants is not capable of closing stomata, thus self-regulating this process. Transpiration depends mainly on the temperature of the air and ground, air movement and the content of water in it. The case would be simple if one could measure the process of transpiration. Such possibility doesn’t exist yet. So what can we measure? To track changes in potential evapo-transpiration, we measure the relative humidity of the air or the water content in the air. Evapo-transpiration is transpiration mushrooms, evaporation of water from the casing soil, floor and from any source of water in the room, for example, the one condensed in the sleeve. Relations between transpiration and evaporation of the remaining surfaces where there is water, vary. This explains why, at the same relative humidity and other parameters remaining the same in the micro-climate, fruiting bodies behave differently – they are heavier or lighter, round, flat, and white or change color. For example, drying of the casing soil can cause that at the same relative humidity transpiration is greater, that is, there is a greater loss of water from the fruiting bodies that are lighter. We are trying to solve this problem by tracking evapo-transpiration based on readings on the scale of Piche’s evaporometer. And then, only indirectly by observing the behavior of pins and fruiting bodies, the conditions are adjusted in the period of typically 12-hour or shorter, by controlling the volume of evaporation of mm of water column in evaporometer. It ranges from zero to several mm of water column. As the evaporation of the accepts standard five mm during 12 hours. In each mushroom farm it must be set individually, tracking the weight and appearance of the fruiting bodies in the period of harvesting and growth of each generation of pins. This method is more useful than the measurement of relative humidity, but it requires experience. Keep in mind that this method requires different approach to the parameters of micro-climate. Stabilization and increase of the yields of mushrooms. Cultivation from the end of the shock is carried out with the smallest possible movement of air (remember opening the flaps of fresh air and exhaust flap), a much greater range of carbon dioxide (2-10000 ppm), air temperature from 17-19°C, the activity of 2-3° The relative humidity, needed to maintain the expected evaporation, has got resulting value and can range from 100 to 80%.


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
So as I'm peered through the tent today..I freaked I saw a flyer....I saw it outside yesterday but wasn't to worried as I felt I was sealed up...anyways..I quickly sprayed my hands and arms in alcohol...locked sight..and quickly reached in a caught em dead in hand first go..some zen shit......hell yeah..let's just hope I caught it in time..oh yeah found a small slice in the side of the tent. Sealed that fucker up..hope that was it...


In Bloom
Yep thats the last thing you want getting in there. They dont call them fungus gnats for nothing. Those lil f'rs hone in on that smell and are quite determined. Found the one spot he could fly or crawl in.
Good catch ZenMasterDeebs. ?‍♂️


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
This is zoomed in all the way on my phone through the semi foggy plastic, so it's very shitty and these are tiny as hell like a speck basically.. ..sorry about that..anyways these are starting all over...

Also got the Martha somewhat tuned getting a good mist and evap every temp/humidity cycle.. Here are my current parameters:

Humidity: since my hygrometer is more in the middle of the second rack, I'm setting max set point to 92%. My differential is 1%, meaning once humidity gets to 91% humidifier kicks back on. When hits 92 shuts off until 91 again.

Temp: high setpoint 77 with a differential of 1. Once the temp hits 76 the area around the Martha is heated to 77.

As the temp gets to high set..the humidity starts to fall. When the heater kicks off at 77, temp and humidity are stabilized for a while and start to fall...the humidity falls first and the humidifier kicks on at about 76.5 as it's falling, as it runs the temp hots 76 heat kicks in...condensation begins to evaporate.

Well that's where I am now, can wait to load the edibles up in here.


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
Something like this is just screaming for plug spawn! It was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this picture. :ROFLMAO: Better put a sprinkler system in it..on top of it


Pollen Slinger
Damn I've been out of touch with you guys for minute. Love what I'm seeing in here, I'll be able to catch up soon. Really like seeing you boys getting something rolling. Keep up the good work!!


In Bloom
Round 1 - test.

1/2" hole for the HD SLIP, and a 5/32" hole for the syringe filter

View attachment 14582 View attachment 14583

Going to RTV around the bottom of SLIP. also in between filter and lid, though it is rather snug.

Yes, those are .22 microns so they stay sterile. @jpcyan2 is correct in that they are hydrophobic so LC jars can be inverted, tilted, shaken, etc.

My LC jars do not currently have then installed but I have them on hand since I use them to filter sterilize plant hormones that are heat labile.

@Deebs definitely be liberal with the RTV. It cannot hurt.
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