Feast of Friends


Tilts at Tables
Happy to report that I cannot water these plant enough. This is the opposite problem I had last run ,with the muck.
This cell was topped up to the lip, before lights on 12 hours ago. After 12 hours of light ,she is dry.

Too dry
With heavier watering I can keep those bottom leaves up. This is good news.



Taste The Spectrum
IPM Forum Moderator
I was able to grasp the seperate scenarios, however I did not quite understand the system. I thought you were using standard hempy buckets (silly me) and the tray was just an overflow. I see the slots lower on the bucket now. That is the bucket resivoir referred to earlier, making that slit higher would have been the res increase. It still seems though a taller tray is in order if efforts to mitigate evaporation are not possible/effective.

Re: bucket handle
Modern plastics can surprise. It seems however you are tempting fate. Reducing the bucket load will evaluate the criticality of repetition cycles vs. maximum force.
I dislike wet feet.

Keif Lint

In Bloom
I believe it , mang.
Those ChungPeyote are monsters among
This is what I look forward to every morning when I go to shut off the lights.
View attachment 35645
On the right.
View attachment 35646

One of my favourite daily constitutionals. I really dig this girl. I am not convinced it is the LACon doing this. Could make me kick myself, for culling the male.
View attachment 35651
You are preying on a slut that has trouble saying 'NO' .
I am so excited to introduce the Good Reverend to Affie, that is all I can think about at the mo.
,,,, still that PeyoCrit is nearly 100 indica. If I had any Indica pollen on hand , I would have pollen-painted that girl like a fence already.

My Affie beans are Femme as well.
If you honestly never plan on growing them out ,,send them along. My Indica library is embarrassingly nill.
I will find a good Reverend male and brush them both. Fashion show.
Who wore it better ?
She's a looker for sure ?! I'll send it lol
I'll see if I can find pics of the mother it had claw leaves and stretchy
F2 of peyote Chung in 2021!?


Tilts at Tables
Every morning
Just love'n life

Got some 2 week budset.
Swaggering over Buckeye


Buckeye has no reply. Sofie needs a ladder
Back of shallow cell, strictly bottom-feeding

If happy plants bring delicious bud,,I am on my way.

Of course there was other debauchery going on as well,,,
Bandit, Spacecase, and Punk,,,
Kids all dressed as Jewels,, this year.

Jewels was dressed SourPatch Fun~guy


Tilts at Tables
Ended up in front of TV , watching
" Nightmare before Xmas. "

Stink'n blue tub bolted on me.

28th ( the powdered milk incident)
And boom
@jaguarlax will not be impressed.
Just packed to tight?
That is why I usually stick to 0-3-2.
Always shy to feed the young'ns. These are in largely inert spag and coco, coty's were starting to fade,,,,
Musta fed them something that agreed with them.
The Watermelon CBD, on the left, is exactly 5 days younger than the others. It was elsewhere, in the sipping tray.
Nasty thumbnail fim, looking sharp.
In the tub we had:
Middle two started correctly, then bolted.
That poor BloodxFutero on the right,,, that had to hurt.
Not three weeks old, and not flipping until Dec 1st. Even with hard water, and Silica ~ these suckers will flop on me.
,,, thinking I should top them at third node.

Plants coming out the door; is a real @High kev up in here.
All this big stuff on the right is Ripper , BluBloodedRom and Respect. Need it gone ~so I can up pot the rest of this mess.
Beauty CrocBlood, front and centre. Unsexed, no reason I cant haul that out,,,
,,, want to sync. up with 1sts and 15ths
There is a good clutch that I should yank tonight. There are 4 dozen in there; something has to give.
Exciting times.
Really hoping for a male from Jack the Ripper or Respect. That is going to be the backbone for a few of Jewel Frankenstien's monsters.


Tilts at Tables
Flower room finally looking like a flower room.
These are 2 weeks into 12's and kicking azz
Although genetically unrelated and from the opposite side of the world: this thing has much in common with God O War. They are both ridiculously massive in structure and both insanely handsome ,and it is seemingly impossible to take a bad picture of them.
Here is the baby Romystery.


Tilts at Tables
Looking at about 10 plants. Seven are in 4Gallon pails.
Sitting on less than a fridge door,,about 3x4
1k hps
400 Mh
Around 120w/ft
Last feed was 1400ppm
Highest Leaf temp 27C
Soil temp 24C
Nute temp 21C

Mapped out the ppfd with my Apogee
Outside the white is less than 400


Pleased to report 2 Female Jack the Rippers. Prrrrretty sure I have a male Respect. Did a jig and put them in dark cold storage for the night.


Tilts at Tables
View attachment 20201103_112724.mp4 UnkaZöoka Budsets

PeyChung revealing some tightly kept secrets.

4 weeks and already showing maleness.
Ready for ups.
BluBlooded Romulan

Said I wouldn't,,,
Got a little excited, when I saw the Respect male. Pulled a name brand Philosopher "Jack Frutero" from the vault
Tiny seed and always ruff start.
Getting my party on.
(Jaunita x CannalopeHaze) x Jack Ripper
19% THC 11% CBD
This is the last seed plant I grew.
She went buckwild


Tilts at Tables
that brick stairwell
Yeah, dont tell @coste ; but I like it. ;)
Built in 1912. There are some nifty relics around here.

Raining and pouring here today. Sold an Alero this morning, three hours later, phone is ringing, sister in law has a customer (autowrecker by trade) , sniffing around for SC parts. I told her it was a cantankerous piece of crap , and no less than 4Grand.
,,,He is driving 200km to see it tomorrow

Hey piggy-pig pig pig
Nothing can stop me now


Tilts at Tables
Thanks @Skunky Dunk Farms , I gather you have seen a plant or two, and that means a lot to me.
The male and female were both chosen because of their non-citrus rub, and ( I tell myself is related to ) wide leaf.
THT crossed Blood Orange with Sour Tangie. I used a male from that pairing to brush on a female Crockett SourTangie.
Seems to follow.
Looking for that chicken diner pheno, Linty. Savoury MSG
Bbq skin
Brought in some hitters, Diesel, Chem, Guava, Stardog, and Lemon stomper crosses. Respect would fit that bill as well. Gonna try to chase the fruit away and bring noise.

21 to win
This gummer was put in a week behind. Then it blew tF up
Got prepistl like rose thorns

Looks like stretching done, top buds are connecting.
Keifs Chung
Found a spot in the spare fridge, for the new recruits.
Respect males to pursue them on the 13th. Three more doz. Dec 1st.
Plenty of room


Tilts at Tables
Open wide @jaguarlax

I have dry things, left and right. I need some media volume.
Figured I would hit the bunny gold one last time before it freezes up.
That stuff is pre vermi'd. I also separated some fresh product.
Screened to remove green hay, fall leaves.
Honey is inside for winter. I have to separate pine chips from hers.
Got about 3-4 gallon.
Lotsa hair. I have always wanted to produce bone meal. Need to do some collecting, find some drop antlers, make some dust.
Pond is thawed. Hit 25C here thus week.
20201105_124535.jpg I diluted the leachate and fed to timothy compost.
View attachment 20201105_124614.mp4
How bunnies can process that grass if beyond me, takes two winters to pulverize full strands.

Here is the rotation.
Dark Green ~
All soiled bedding and hamster paper and pine shavings go to the north 40 for seasoning.
Green compost is sashay'd up the the (Red~)bunny pine and dung.
Freshly harvested root balls get stomped quickly so as to be unidentifiable.
Spag, coco, and vermic 'G2Go' piles sits ready on the right.
The twist is the black line.
There is a concrete pad on the right side. Soil is isolated from ground, to allow quick drying. It is still shouldered up, to allow worms to travel. Numerous in summer, worms are gone now. I imagine they tuck under the garage pad (left) for the winter, as the floor does not freeze.
Mineralizing is a trick I learned planting aquariums with soil, media is repeatedly wet and dried over time. Nitro cycles move both ways. Somas and Bactors. Mycos are seeded. Kinda like a harmonized chelating process, a cooling off period to rid N spikes. Bonds are broken and reformed. Read CEC. Ionic charges. Handshakes.

Constantly seeing these predator looking centipedes , I have seen them come from harvested balls as well. Magic.

There is no designated aerator in this mix. So I added some colour.
Lotsa 24 hour dry babies here.
Action time.


Tilts at Tables
Pseudo SIP

Minimal, poor thing
Bloody Sour TAffie
Getting there.
Out of 4L Gonna have to get creative.

Charastar determined to be a misfit to the end. There is a 51% chance it is male. Was kinda hoping to see bleach buds.
8 Nodes and still washed.

That full pale blade is absolutely unnerving to watch.
Feminized Fruity Jack
How could a loving parent have named their child feminized fruity Jack?
Essentially it is a translation,,
I call it Jack Frutero ( OG Spanish name )
I call it Futero,,
I call it anything ,,,but that.
A brother should really bust this out with a TyrannosauruMaximus DaedalusPontentiest
,,, give this beast a name it deserves. ;) :phenohunt:
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