Cost to custom press?


In Bloom
Going to have some bud pressed. What’s the going rate?
My guy did some testing today and the bud did well. Pressing 14g per squish. What would you charge? I’ll be the swamper. Do you squishers do percent of product? Per hr?
Hows it work?
Going to have some bud pressed. What’s the going rate?
My guy did some testing today and the bud did well. Pressing 14g per squish. What would you charge? I’ll be the swamper. Do you squishers do percent of product? Per hr?
Hows it work?
The only professional service I have come across deals only in pressing hash, and they usually just take a percentage of the yield.

Im not sure if there is even a standard established for pressing flower yet, but I would be interested in seeing what others are charging.
Going to have some bud pressed. What’s the going rate?
My guy did some testing today and the bud did well. Pressing 14g per squish. What would you charge? I’ll be the swamper. Do you squishers do percent of product? Per hr?
Hows it work?
Peeps usually get 10 to 20 Percent depending on how much. Always do a practice run and see exactly what ur getting back to start . Jmo so everyone knows what to expect give or take
I've been loaning my press out......ha! Not anymore lol!

I'd probably rent it out and let the person do their thing. I wouldn't want to have a bad squish and be responsible for it.
Don't do that those guys have got used to using it ??
And you're going get paid back in good karma when you need it now ???

No need to change a going thing for all involved....
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