New Here From the Midwest


In Bloom
Hello everyone:

Since this is an introduction, I'll start with how I found

Fair Warning: I can tend towards writing TLDR posts, but I try to jazz them up with visuals when possible.

Last night at about 0300, I was online searching for a breeder whose inventory mentioned their creations were suitable for insomnia.

That's when I stumbled upon Dino Party Chucks seeds. I think it was on Great Lakes Genetics where I first saw Dinos mentioned.

I searched for reviews on other seed-related sites, and I looked for grow-journal mentions on Grow Diaries, but I couldn't find anything substantial.

However, I did see countless references to this website.

After that, I ordered 3 strains directly from Dino Party

I went with 3 of his cultivars:

• Nyx; Bringer of Sleep and Death

Key Words: "Heavy hitting eye blistering brain 'blendering' leg locking day ender."

• Orion
Key Words: "Great bedtime smoke"

• MoomooDoodoo
Key Words: "Smoke is incredibly potent, some real sit down and shut up bud."

As for me, I'm a retired guy who just turned 60.

I was one of those early teens in the 70s (Texas Gulf Coast) who was buying weed for $7.00/oz. And felt the earth move when prices jumped all at once to $15.

New York Times (1976) - Price of Marijuana Soars as Its Use Increases Among the Nation's Affluent

As I got older, I drifted away from pot and ultimately ended up in the Navy, where I was clean and green for 9 years.

After 2000, when I came back to Texas, I tried again but almost always got some form of anxiety.

FFWD to 2021, now living in Illinois, I wanted to give it another go and got my Cannabis Medical Card. Since then, I have had a perpetual garden growing for more than 2 years.

I'm still not an "automatic" partaker, but I always search for my Unicorn strain.

Now, where I do get true joy is growing weed and photographing it. I'll include a few samples later in the post.

Over time, I've morphed these two loves into being a tester for breeders (as with growing my own). I've grown a handful of strains for Rasta Jeff at Irie Genetics.

When I first started testing, there were a few hoops to go through to become a tester, but my background in journalism and photography helped me join others testing for him.

Most recently, I was lurking on his Discord when he came on and asked if anyone would be interested in testing his P91 x Jack the Ripper (Regs).

I was about 4 weeks from harvest on another grow, so I raised my hand.

Full disclosure: I am a total fanboy of RJ's cultivars. But I am not a paid reviewer, so when I say he creates unique and robust plants, he does.

I am also testing for Brothers Grimm. Having said that, anyone can be a "tester" for BG ... buy their tester seeds, and 'voilà' you are a "tester."

For the budget-minded Brothers Grimm's testers are a heck of a deal at about $25 for 9 Fem seeds. They were 50% off for November.

My Current Garden: Day 88 from Seed / Day 48 of Flower


The left side and back center are the Irie Genetic testers. They are frost monsters.

Right rear is the tester I mentioned, called Genius Juice. Huge colas.

The front right is a Brothers Grimm classic, Cinderella 99, but from Mr. Soul's feminized version.

Here are a few of today's photos of the P91 x Jack the Ripper (Reg)

I post these to the Irie Discord, Tester section as part of my testing obligation.

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Genius Juice - Brothers Grimm
It's a cross between Gluey x Genius

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That's enough for now.
My grow style seems to have been ever-changing over the last two years.

I've gone through BluMats, Fabric bags, soil, coco, SIP Buckets, and extreme SCROG (net 5 inches only above pot).

I seem to have settled with AutoPots with their 6-gallon plastic buckets while using a soil and perlite mix for the media.

Like many, I amassed too many supplemental products to boost the plants to their potential allegedly. However, this grow, I have cut way back on those.

As for nutrients, I make my own from base salts. I studied the elemental PPMs (not E.C.) of many popular dry nutrients companies, then compared their choices to some online folks like Dr. Bruce Bugbee and Harley Smith.

I especially leaned in on what Dr. Nirit Bernstein learned in her many studies on N-P-K and Mg requirements. She's the Senior Researcher and Head of a Medical Cannabis and Agricultural research lab, Volcani, in Israel.

Here's a video of her lecture at Cornell University for their Cannabis/Hemp program. This covers some really interesting angles to crop steering and what comes of it in a laboratory.

Nirit Bernstein: The power of nutrient management for optimizing Cannabis yield quantity and quality

After all of this research and the pain-staking (for me) of learning HydroBuddy I came up with the following concentrated recipe.


One thing of note: The estimated E.C. of 1799 is accurate. Still, I tend to only dilute to 2.0 E.C. in Veg, and raise up to 2.4 when flowering becomes obvious.

I continue that until I notice the reservoir begins to empty at a slower rate. Then I'll drop down to 1.8 or 1.6.

Flushing or feeding only water is separate from my routine.

You may notice I don't make any elemental changes between Veg and Flower. The plants get the same ratio of elements from start to finish, while only throtting E.C.

If you watch Dr. Bernstein's video, it explains why I made this nutrient decision.

I understand the industry claims a need for Flower Booster, etc., but I have yet to find that necessary.

Admittedly, I haven't run any side-by-side tests.

As for my reservoir, it's just a simple heavy-duty garbage can that I converted to be AutoPot compatible.

Here is a graphic I have on my current grow diary explaining my nutrition equipment:


Great intro! Love your grow style. Rasta Jeff is a great guy, I learned a lot from him, his work with Golden Goat is nice.

Let me know if you find relief for insomnia. Welcome!!
Separate Post

I'm not sure of this forum's rules, so I am making a separate post to give links to my current grow, and another to other grows.

This way, if I am violating policy it will be easier for them to just delete this post.

The ongoing Grow Diary is on 420 Magazine's boards. It started out just for the Irie Genetics plants, but the Genius Juice turned out to be such a beautiful plant I piggy backed it in the same journal.

Grow Diary: Irie Genetics Tester - P91 x Jack the Ripper

The following are older diaries. On the GrowDiaries website I don't add a lot of comments, it is more of a photographic repository for other growers to compare their plants on a week-by-week basis.

Link to Former ExNavyInSTL Grow Diaries

I'm including a screenshot so you can see what I have documented. I've grown a few other plants that are not on there and they are spread around on other forum boards. When I first got into this I was always searching for photo-friendly websites.


Be Warned, that I am very new to farming, not all of my earlier grows produced the best of flower photos.
I'll definitely start a diary here on this upcoming garden.

So far, in pencil, it looks like a couple of more Irie's, thanks to a Discord Brother who is sending me cuttings. These are the first clones I'm working with, so that's fun.

Purple Heart - Cross between Cherry Jelly CBD x Afterglow. The Cherry Jelly is a strain known to help those guys with PTSD, but they wanted it stronger so he crossed it to Afterglow to add THC. Probably a true 1:1, THC:CBD.

Dark Hollow - GMO x Arise.

Two others will for sure be the new Dinos Party seeds.

• Nyx; Bringer of Sleep and Death
• Orion

Also, I took a chance on a Blimburn seed with their version of "9 Pound Hammer."

Since my theme is mostly Insomnia, I wanted to grow my Grandmommie Purple (Herbies). So, I may only do one Dino.

When I first got into this, I went crazy buying seeds from the common seed banks. That was before I learned you can actually get up and personal with individual breeders.

Here's my current seed inventory. You can see a pattern of shotgun pattern of strains, then honing in on breeders I liked. I keep my Autos as Utility Seed until I get better at growing. My Autos tend to be the size of Chia Pets.


Welcome @ExNavyInSTL, you will love it here. Nice intro, leading off with bud porn is always going to make me pay attention!
You can tie your grow show to a grow journal, then we all follow along (y)

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