Gweedo's Growroom
Yoda Fired Up
This ones for the chuckers and the breeders, I've been harvesting pollen from three males in the last week or so, I've read most everything I can find on the subject, I'm currently just collecting in parchment and dividing it up into cleaned sanitized dab containers, dessicant beads inside the containers, then inside a Tupperware with rice then into a mason with more rice, now is curing in the open air absolutely necessary if all the plant material is removed and dessicant is placed inside the jar??? I've been giving it a 2 day dry in a door then sealing and placing in the fridge, would immediately sealing with plenty of dessicant do the same job without risking it picking up moisture, it rained so my humidity is 100% and I've got one more harvest planned for today.
Wondering what you guys do to assure best viability in the stores product
Wondering what you guys do to assure best viability in the stores product