
In Bloom
I recently got in touch with a old buddy, he’s a director for a cannabis cultivation club in Barcelona now after winning a cup in NorCal in 2013. He over sees 1200 lights, has been collecting seeds for the last 17 years and breeding since the mid 2000s. He recently put me onto some knowledge of Hop Latent Viroid (HLVd). I’m going to include a link as well as his text about the matter. I know this will ruffle some feathers but with today’s overbred cannabis this is something to be concerned about when “chucking”. Now I’m no breeder myself, but when I do create seeds I do put them thru the ringer with stress tests to see if they will stand the test of time. Atleast 3 runs and one reveg is my method to see if my crosses are stable. Here’s what my buddy had to say let me know your thoughts good or bad!A1D733EB-B8F9-4B88-8DBA-78644941B722.jpeg
I mainly stick to IBLs and F1s from established breeders and have almost no interest in the current multi-hybrid scene, so HLVD is unlikely to affect me.

While I agree with his view that many "take the first male and hit everything with it"(I have been guilty), I was surprised to see his criteria for selecting a male. It certainly sounds like an impressive and scientific process, but I can't imagine many are set up for this kind of rigorousness, nor would they have the time or budget.

It seems like there must be an acceptable middle ground for the smaller breeder/chucker as far as the screening process.
100% I myself am all for seeing the small guys succeed!! Testing,testing ,testing testing is all I can say for the small guy as well as track and know your lineage from start to finish. What I am not for is quick chucks with unstable genes being sold to the masses, which we see a lot of now a days. The % of Herms on new gear compared to gear from mid 00’s is crazy. I believe we should start breeding in older stable tried and true strains to newer hype strains that are not nearly as stable. The number of breeders these days are insane and eventually the bubble will burst and those that will prevail will be the ones with the tracked stable lineage with proper testing and consistency!!!!
I feel like you reap what you sow eventually, if you do shitty work it will come out, if you take the time to do it as proper as you can and test as much as you can the results will speak for themselves, people just need to cut through the marketing and see who's doing real work and who's just cutting corners and using hype to slang beans
I feel like you reap what you sow eventually, if you do shitty work it will come out, if you take the time to do it as proper as you can and test as much as you can the results will speak for themselves, people just need to cut through the marketing and see who's doing real work and who's just cutting corners and using hype to slang beans
Absolutely man . How bout just buy good stock to start . I am slowly learning which packs aren't worth the 200 plus

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