Schwaggy P's Contest Thread

Schwaggy P

Staff member
At 8:00pm EST The first contest will go live. You'll have to check back here to see what the contest entails. (Limited to those in the US)

The Prize: Chems

Chemdog'91(skunkVA) BX1 - [Chem'91skva x (Chem'91skva x Skunky Brewster)]
Chem D x Granny Skunk
Chem'91JB x Schwaggy's Afghan Skunk

Chem Contest.jpg


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member

Schwaggy P

Staff member
Draw Schwaggy.png
(Must be in the US to participate)​

This contest will be similar to the Photo of the Month. Each person will post a picture (one per person) to gain as many likes as possible. The person with the most likes (counting any reaction as one vote) by 9pm EST Tuesday wins the contest. The picture must be a free hand drawing of Schwaggy P's avatar. Keep in mind: The point is to get the most votes, so it can be detailed, funny, simple, etc. The picture can be drawn using whichever method you choose (drawing program, hand drawn on paper and photographed for upload, etc.)

This is the Schwaggy P avatar:
Schwaggy P.jpg

The Prize:
(Green Crack S1)BX2
Skunky D F2 -(Chem D x Skunky Brewster)F2
Chem'91(skva) x Granny Skunk
Giesel x Skunky Brewster
Triangle Kush x Skunky Brewster
Draw Schwag.jpg
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