For no political threads, seen other sites really bringing not only ignorance, but big negativity to the scene. Thanks
What a breath of fresh air isnt it?
I think about how grateful I am for this simple fact every day. Since I have been here, I have found so much more peace... At first, I had to resist the urge to post in that Corona thread we had... Now, it doesnt even cross my mind. If I want to go argue with idiots I will just go login to facebook... There truly is no place for it here... If we allow that type of toxicity into our ranks, it will destroy the continuity we all have. I am quite sure we all disagree quite a bit on political topics... That's because our current culture is demanding it, and designed to create dissent amongst the people. We need unity more than ever right now. Cannabis is offering that to us. I believe that is why I have been hanging out here so much lately. My social media activity has pretty much come to a halt. If I am not posting on IG trying to create visibility for this place I call home, I have no desire to see what sort of negative bullshit my news feed has to offer. Like at all. In my opinion No Politics and No Religion should be enscribed in the commandments of every grow forum. But its not, and if it is, the rules are never followed.
pH is special, and I will do my best to never forget that.