just want to let you-all kow that I have found the most expensive "clone" I have ever seen -$10,000.00 for "Chimers #3 (white truffle x the creation) and a $1.500.00 "platimum Kush Breath Remix" ---------------------------- what the F*** ! (UnitedSeedBank/UnitedCloneBank) i know that breeding is very time consumming and can take years to come up with a via-a-ble/stable seed- believe the most I have spent on a a pack of seeds was $125.00 (fems)( 7 seeds) Please everyone chime in a help me understand "the price of seeds" Have seen many for $500.00 a pack (reg) let me know of your experience and the most you ever paid for seeds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace and broke (spent all my money on seeds)