Twenty20 Snow G Auto Outdoors


Staff member
Giving the grow journal thing a try.

Took advantage of the start of the monsoons, and just popped two Twenty20 Snow G Autoflower seeds this week - directly in 5gal Rainscience bags filled with Happy Frog. Everything will be happening outdoors in the AZ desert. I'm very much a novice, but am planning a little LST, and will incorporate some silica as well as Mycorrhizae and some home ferments along the way...

Really looking forward to seeing how these babies do!!!
Pulling up a chair for this one. I haven't seen the snow g yet. I'm starting a 5 new strain Twenty20 auto journal here soon too. Purple biscauto, knows candy, go-go,hotz and glue sniffer auto.
Purple Biscauto and GO -GO are unknown to me. Looking forward to you killing it again with the Twenty20 action! Full disclosure, I gently used my new seed cracker on the Glue Sniffer, and wound up with failure. Back to my old reliable method, and all is well.
Well.... it's time for our first Snow G update....and it's turned out that these guys will have been 'forged in fire' . The plan was to start seeds with the more amenable conditions brought on by the desert monsoons, but this week has been solidly 108°F and 109°F. Didn't shelter the seedlings, just kept them hydrated.

Gave them a very diluted amendment this morning (pictured). Shook up the Great White with the Agave syrup in some RO water. Just a few granules of Power Si scratched into the surrounding soil. Planning for this to be the weekly regimen.

Hope everyone has a great week growing!!!
Time for a weekly journal entry for the Twenty20 "Snow G Auto" outdoor grow. This week, the younger (by a day) seedling overtook the older. No idea about the missing leaf - it just didn't seem to show up.... Things seem a little slow, but it's early - day 12, and the first week was so incredibly hot hitting highs of 107°F, 108°F and 109°F on the first 3 days of life.

Fed these two their weekly dose of Agave syrup and Great White Myco this morning. Was running behind, so will dispense the Power Si granules early this coming week.

Hoping everyone is having success in their gardens. Been trying to explore more of the Phenohunter website, and there's some incredible outdoor action happening!
Greetings fellow Pheno Hunters! I'm a day late on the journal entry, but it's been raining like crazy in the desert this past week, and yesterday wasn't the best for a picture.

The 2nd Snow G to sprout is still in the lead, and the 1st to sprout is really beginning to lag. Not sure what the issue is, but the week these two sprouted (outdoors), it was incredibly hot, and I provided zero protection. Definitely could have been too much too soon...

Still sticking w/ the once weekly dose of Great White Myco, along with a smidge of Agave syrup, and a scant sprinkle of Power Si.

Hopefully everyone has a great growing week!!
Greetings Fellow Pheno Hunters! Another week of off & on rain this week. The Snow G Auto's are still alive, and the first of the two to sprout is still really lagging. There's an ACE Auto Malawi x Northern Lights across the yard that's in the same boat, and I really think it was that ultra heat wave that came over us the week these sprouted.
Other than that, our lead Snow G looks like it's ready for some LST this week. Will definitely update once we start.

Hopefully everyone has another good week.
Unusual to be posting mid-week, but today we bent the lead Snow G Auto over. Used a medium sized Canna Bender, and progressed to 90° in two steps, two hours apart. You can see the tip already reaching up, about 35min after the full bend. No splits or kinks, so we're well on our way. Couple of 108°F days ahead, but will cool down to approx 100°F this weekend. Everything should be fine.
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