Gonna air some dirty laundry here,,,,
This is over watered, with low ppm/high ph.
200ppm at 7.5-7.7 ph

That is all HPS goofy , so I pulled out the ugliest bastard I can find.
I know this looks right ghastly. However, I am cool 'ly unconcerned. I got 60 other plants in the room with varying levels of this going on, and I know that (watering regimen) is the only thing out of whack.

I suspect, even if you did everything right from this moment forward, your plants still may present like this, in a week or so.
I am just here to say "don't fret it"
It would appear you have been successful, up until now, just keep doing what you have been doing.
I scolded myself and stopped giving them plain water. She straighten herself out immediately.

New growth is just fine.
It is always so tempting to change things up when the voice in the back of your head says,
" I am doing everything wrong"
You got this far.
So assume you're doing everything right. There is just a little something amiss. NO-ONE is immune to that.