As a ChilLED owner (X1), HLG owner (2x 135), and Logic Puck owner (4x) my dollars would be spent on an X1 over a 135 if the format permitted. Id opt for 2x 135s over the new X3 Mini, I myself cant justify the price jump, that being said I have a 3 x 5 space currently under powered (I treat it as a 3x4) by 4 pucks, and ChilLED has a 3 x 5 option that Im trying to convince myself I need... Thought about adding a X1 Mini 65 to the back of the Clos (hard sell - the dollars for the usable light), and a X1 Full down the middle of the rows of pucks (very likely) or HLG135 centered in the middle flanked by pucks, or in the back of the Clos (cheapest)... Time will tell, and no time soon thats for sure.
Not sure about all the other guys but Austin has picked up the phone when Ive had a question, or emailed back within 20 minutes, they are US Based, US Made, and back their product with a meaningful warranty. Those factors make my decision easy in regard to the X1 specifically. Dollars per watt tells you something, doesnt mean it tells you everything.
My opinion as a relatively new very small scale hobby grower who loves DIY (20 years of construction, 3 years of farming, 2 years of woodworking), but I love the amazing fit and finish of high quality American made products, and the feeling it gives me supporting an independent business owner, over say Amazon.