Clawing and yellowing if leaves

Mr Toast

In Bloom
Hey Gang
Just looking for some opinions...
I've got a White Gold (Sensi/White Label) that I've chucked to get a few more beans. It seem to be sensitive to nutes...
Anyway, long story short..I gave it a big flush the other day, because I thought it was likely a pH issue...?
I know clawing is typically associated with nitrogen toxicity..but this shouldnt be the case here ..I havent given it much of any nitrogen lately..I may have given it a slight bump in phosphorus and potassium one day..(mad scientist mix?)

This snap shows reduced turgor pressure in the leaves which is the result of my big flush with pH'd water (purposely over watering)

The leaves on the plant are
beginning to yellow as is to be expected with the reduced N...

The clawimg is what has me stumped..Any thoughts would be appreciated?


--Pardon the "fat finger" editing...


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Mr Toast

In Bloom
All the knowledgeable people on this board...and no one can provide any prognostications why the Leaves
on my plant were clawing? (details in my previous post) It shouldn't be nitrogen toxicity..)havent really given it much/any)
Is this like school where no one wants to give a wrong answer or look silly?..chuckle.. :(
Trust me, I like to think I know what I'm talking about..but this has me no scrutiny from me? :)



3Thirteen Seeds
Staff member
Hey Gang
Just looking for some opinions...
I've got a White Gold (Sensi/White Label) that I've chucked to get a few more beans. It seem to be sensitive to nutes...
Anyway, long story short..I gave it a big flush the other day, because I thought it was likely a pH issue...?
I know clawing is typically associated with nitrogen toxicity..but this shouldnt be the case here ..I havent given it much of any nitrogen lately..I may have given it a slight bump in phosphorus and potassium one day..(mad scientist mix?)

This snap shows reduced turgor pressure in the leaves which is the result of my big flush with pH'd water (purposely over watering)

The leaves on the plant are
beginning to yellow as is to be expected with the reduced N...

The clawimg is what has me stumped..Any thoughts would be appreciated?


--Pardon the "fat finger" editing...
You got some burnt tips, so the N was hot at one point in time. How big is the pot, and how much water did you flush with?
Without seeing it before the flush, it just looks over watered to me now after being flushed out.

Mr Toast

In Bloom
Thanks for the thoughts..
I flushed because I saw the
Leaves begining to claw..figured sometime was wrong..I too noticed the tips..This WG seems to be a bit
more sensitive...
as for pot size...small..2 litre as I'm just making seeds..probably flushed with a litre of ph water..Personally I was thinking it was pH..possible?


Tilts at Tables
Sure , or aliens, maybe the cat is playing “hide and go poop ?”
Keep laying it out, man. These issues may be solved by familiarity. Although It is not a direct solution, journaling and growing out loud are my best friends. After time, these things can reveal themselves. My friends steer me back to the middle of the road.

I, myself have been watching @chiefer888 grow for months. I didn’t have answers for any of his questions, yet I did have observations. I have watched his plants turn from shy bunnies, to roaring lions.
Did I really contribute ? Not much, at all.
But I , like everyone else on this forum, share in his success.

I can watch a thread for months, before I have anything intelligent to say about it.
This is a budding forumnot heavily polluted with DAF, eager beavers, that will troll you and post 16 links to products that are exclusively available in Remotvia. Any other forum you would have been already told :
to buy a different light,
to start growing girlGcookies,
to start using photophlex 3000
to move to Oregon,,,,

There are not meta amounts of us - yet. Some of us spend our days doing long division, baking, slapping tile, and laying pipe.
All of us want to see you doing well.

How hard are you driving that thing with light ?
Sometimes I don’t see a plant falter, and I keep loading it up, until it is toxic . Like my male fails, that I was telling you about.

Gotta find that middle of the road. When I really F up a plant it is from over correction - every time.
If I dry one out , I will spend the following weeks : penance drowning it.
Once, I dosed a plant dirty. It was my hydro 2litre comp plant. I was so afraid to push that thing afterwards, it may have been starving when I tossed it.
Mobile nutrients can leave a lower leaf yellow like that. Did the plant move that green, to other pastures ?

No one likes to be wrong, makes it hard to put up your hand, or , neck, or wee-wee.

Here is my wild Jewels guess.
overdriven plant, with lingering deficiency imbalance
Underdriven plant , with a poopy diaper and a good memory.

Can you measure TDS?
Soil Slurry ?

Mr Toast

In Bloom
Thanks Jewels, Deebs, Red. Mofo and everyone else adding in their 2 cents...

I'm strictly a soil guy...this round I'm just doing a seed run so not super concerned about efficiency..That said, and reason for my speculation of that I made a compost tea (mild) with some molasses..I've tried to be careful to wash my pH meter..but think I might need a new one..
I'm not entirely concerned as the plants aren't totally out of whack..but I do like to understand where I've stumbled..I dont mind admitting when I'm wrong or screwed up..I just hope I dont make the same mistake twice.



Cannabis Chaotician
Staff member
What are your temps like right now Toast? And what are you using for a soil mix? I've heard when root zone temps get to high, which is in theory more likely in small pots because of the increased ratio of surface area to volume, you can see symptoms similar to nitrogen toxicity. No firsthand experience, so I'm just throwing darts at the wall.

Otherwise I'd think your mix was too hot to begin with or you had some kind of root zone pH issue.

Mr Toast

In Bloom

Thanks for the contributions and insight.

Yeah, I think the plant is starting to settle out with a few new pistils showing..

My runoff was 6.3 so get close to dialed in there again...To be honest, I havent been doing any EV on this run as I'm just focused on making more beans and have been takin' it easy sorta speak on the least the rest if the girls thinks so.
I'll keep watchin over her but think this little speedbump has pretty much sorted itself out :)


P.S. Thanks for everyones imput?
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