Yellow Leaf spot aka Septoria : ID CONFIRM guide/information & solutions

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Tha Dank Hoarder
Pre warning?: I’m writing this on iPad and gonnea edit tomorrow and future, want to get this started !

Outdoors leaf spot is Very common issue and can cripple your plant of energy if untreated or blindly allowing this be an enemy . one of the biggest tip I can give you on leaf septoria is it’s like any pest or mold the same on it’s vulnerability to such . meaning I can grow multiple pheno’s and they can be in same medium/container and sog but the pheno specifically will be infected . It happens to me every year what I do is know which plants get leaf septoria and don’t grow them if it’s effecting it too much for next years outdoors. Why fuck around ?

the biggest thing besides genetics for prevention of leaf spot/septoria is a good prevention protocol for such, just like a pest or mold issue . What I do is scan my plants for such issues like a mold or pest and if I see any septoria I’ll remove any leaf that has the disease. Key is to not touch any other plant and if using any tool to also clean/kill the leaf spot. What I suggest like a virus/mold use a legit virusicide to clean your tools and also hands and treat your plants at ll steps like a patient and you’re a dr. Spreading disease ,virus,pest is all done by contact like that and when you’re ripping/cutting that’s a major vulnerability in the plant.

Physan 20 = Preventive cleaner I use is ag grade and will kill any germ,virus and mold and not burn u while using it. use at 1T per gal and it will even do surface protection for 14 days ( floors/walls), I use to clean my tools, spray my hands inbetween plants and clean any surfaces in grow room. Shoot I even use it in my bathroom/kitchen. Works great and very cost effective (10+ year costumer )

When I didn’t realize that huge prevention issue of cleaninless for pest/mold and exp leaf spot I would let the leaf spot stay there or just remove it and go on, the results of such I would now infect plants blindly that if I prolly would of let alone they would of never been infected. those extra steps really show at end of getting infected or not and making sure to keeping eyes to infection pressures like a pest will save your crop and make anyone a better grower. At least for me once doing these preventive measures made those issues waaay less inpacting to the garden.

biggest solution on septoria is like a pest or mold or any issue is prevention , know the issues timings & the tools to fight it ( like I never seen it indoors for me ). the biggest key is healthy plants , when these issues occur I would highly suggest before infected weekly/after rain spraying a treatment like southern ag biological fungicide as a treatment . to give the plant a systematic acquired resistance (7 days even rain) I highly suggest using Regalia also for prevention and also to make your plant as healthy as possible I best fight for all issues ). I used to use copper and p bcarb but more I use what I suggest I’ll never go back . I’ve tried many products or methods but copper and p bicarbonate still got me mold issues and didn’t correct my % of loss like products I listed above. Also cool thing is u can mix both together and also mix with many other products np. Both products (SABF /regalia ) can be used to last day of harvest with confidence . I use this both on my fruit, veggies and the % of loss and gain of better plants made me a firm believer in spending the the time on proper genetics selection, proper IPM uses & knowing your enemies in the garden vs letting it become a war.

Regalia = SAR and amazing fungicide (30ml per gal, every 7 days)

SABF = living bacteria ferment that protects by attacking harmful species and keeps ur plant from being infected from many issues and disease. Apply at 5ml non infected to 15 ml per gal if season bad and or infected. this stuff reduced budrot by quite a bit as well ( like regalia ). Only thing unlike regalia u need to reapply if rain since it’s not systematic . Can if it was me I would mix and use both (diff modes of defense and why )

Amazon product ASIN B00VXQG23O

Septoria is a fungal illness produced by the Septoria tritici fungus that infects various cereal crops, including wheat, barley, and oats. Septoria may also be a major issue in plants such as cannabis. Botrytis cinerea is the most prevalent cause of septoria, which appears as little patches at first. The patches are less than 1cm in diameter and seem circular gray-brown dots. A purple halo surrounds the specks. However, these spots might later develop to be enormous. Septoria leaf spots are darker than calcium deficits and develop on leaves in a circular pattern if infected with septoria. Also, yellowing or browning of the leaves along their margins may accompany these spots. If you see these signs in your plant, it may suffer from septoria rather than another deficiency or disease.

Leaf septoria can be identified by the presence of leaf spots with a yellow ring on diseased leaves. The older and lower leaves are usually the first to display signs. If you stay in a tropical or subtropical climate, septoria leaf spot is a common problem. It is caused by excessive moisture in the soil and high humidity. These environmental variables make it possible for the fungus to grow. Leaf septoria exhibits many of the same signs as nutritional insufficiency. As an indoor producer, you’ll need to distinguish between indications of leaf septoria disease and symptoms of nutrient insufficiency.”


Difference Between Leaf Septoria And Calcium Deficiency
“ Leaf Septoria

Leaf septoria is one kind of leaf disease that creates dark spots on the leaves. Botrytis cinerea causes the most common type of septoria which initially creates small spots.

Leaf septoria is very common in cannabis plants like the issue of white hairs not turning red. The spots are smaller than 1cm in diameter and look like round-shaped gray-brown spots. The spots contain a purple halo around them. However, these spots can grow afterward into large sizes.”

“ Leaf septoria and calcium deficiency are both conditions that can cause leaf spots on plants. However, there are several differences between the two.

Leaf septoria is a fungus that causes brown spots on leaves, usually starting at the tips and moving inward toward the petiole of the leaf. It is most common in warm and moist environments. Calcium deficiency can be caused by a number of factors, including soil pH levels, nutrient availability and mineral composition of the soil. Calcium deficiency is also characterized by brown spots on leaves, but these spots tend to be more circular than those caused by leaf septoria.

In addition to causing brown spots on leaves, calcium deficiency can also cause stunted growth and yellowing of new growths in plants. Leaf septoria does not affect plant growth or flowering ability, but it can make the plant more susceptible to other diseases and pests if left untreated for too long.”
Good video on knowing diff on other issues vs leaf spot ( a lot get confused )

Calcium deficiency and leaf septoria can look very similar in cannabis plants but it is possible to tell the difference based on the appearance of the plant.

Leaf septoria will appear as yellow blotches on the leaf surface that turn into brown spots with a purplish hue. The leaf may be crinkled and eventually, smaller leaflets near the center of the plant can wilt from lack of nutrients.

In contrast calcium deficiency looks like small holes in between the veins which appears to have been eaten away by insects or some other pest. In this case it is possible you need more nitrogen but if there are no pests present then it could just mean your plants aren’t getting enough calcium overall for proper growth and development so adding a supplement would help correct these problems over time.

Calcium deficiencies happen when alkaline soils become acidic due to high levels of organic matter such as composted nutrients and other potential materials within the soil.”

Good information videos about septoria :

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