DC Seed Exchange


Staff member
I ran a few of those butterscotch ssdd and unless your planning to resell them you’re not missing anything. Most of the other ssdd crosses are much better.

And just like that, the FOMO is resolved.
Thanks a bunch @Kold Kasiz !!!

Snl Season 42 GIF by Saturday Night Live


DC Seed Exchange
I apologize for the recent auction issues.

I understand that these issues were frustrating and inconvenient for our customers, and I take full responsibility. I have been working diligently with our developers to identify and fix the problem, and am pleased to report that it has now been resolved.

All auctions are now back up and running, and I am confident that these issues will not happen again. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I hope you will continue to bid on our auctions and enjoy the great deals we have to offer!
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