how many strains is too many


Habitabat autem somnium
ive been pondering this for a while now, over here in oz its illegal to have seeds and grow. still like convicts here. when i first started (got taught) there was skunk, hazes and northern lights. holland hope and a bit of white widow. still great strains. thats all i had at my fingertips through a closed circle of friends.
now life and work seemed to take me on another path until i decided to grow again some 20+years later.
the mind boggles with everything out there.
im keeping a stash for my personal bank to grow from and breed with. going to be getting some old school landraces from khalifa genetics, full power selections and real seed company.
then onto the breeders here ive been keeping an eye on. now the conundrum i have ( a good conundrum but still a conundrum) i cant for the life of me think how im going to grow all of these unless all the laws here change and change quick.
the question i pose is how many is too manyh?
when do i go from being a connosieur to a seed addict that must have every bloody strain available.
now this is a question posed tongue in cheek but still a reasonable question. how many strains are too many
You can fill buckets full of seeds, and no one would be the wiser.
Soon as you breathe life into them, you run the risk of getting caught.

I composted my very first grow of three plants in 1998.
Because there became a risk that I could get busted.

I composted my second attempt as well, a single plant, in 2003.
For the same reason.

Wife got a permit in 2019.
Full ballz out. Running 3.2k watts atm. 35 plants, or so.
No carbon filter whatsoever. Been running every last gdambean I can get my hands on.

Been exclusively smoking my own for two years now.
At first mono-cropping, I was just planting the same old thing. Then started cloning when I got some new stuff.
Made some beans, made some friends,,,
For a while, I was keeping up. I had the beans on hand needed for the next sowing.
Trouble is, the frens I made are too damn generous.
There gotta be 400 seeds in the last package I opened.
You broke it.
shit everytime I turn that mail key the congregation gets a fresh reverend.
K. I just realized how F'd I am.
Bloody Suez up in here. ( Calm down Boomers, I meant the traffic jam- not the armed conflict. ) ?

I digress.
Correct Number of plants is directly proportional to correct number of lovers.
One is too many, if you are going to get caught.
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You can fill buckets full of seeds, and no one would be the wiser.
Soon as you breathe life into them, you run the risk of getting caught.

I composted my very first grow of three plants in 1998.
Because there became a risk that I could get busted.

I composted my second attempt as well, a single plant, in 2003.
For the same reason.

Wife got a permit in 2019.
Full ballz out. Running 3.2k watts atm. 35 plants, or so.
View attachment 60864
No carbon filter whatsoever. Been running every last gdambean I can get my hands on.

Been exclusively smoking my own for two years now.
At first mono-cropping, I was just planting the same old thing. Then started cloning when I got some new stuff.
Made some beans, made some friends,,,
For a while, I was keeping up. I had the beans on hand needed for the next sowing.
Trouble is, the frens I made are too damn generous.
There gotta be 400 seeds in the last package I opened from THTangie Land.
OlG sqwuirrel in 10 namebrand packs,,,
Agent, Jag,,,
You broke it.
Buck,, shit everytime I turn that mail key the congregation gets a fresh reverend.
K. I just realized how F'd I am.
Bloody Suez up in here. ( Calm down Boomers, I meant the traffic jam- not the armed conflict. ) ?

I digress.
Correct Number of plants is directly proportional to correct number of lovers.
One is too many, if you are going to get caught.
very satient point. i meant purely for running stuff though. no permits here in oz im aware of. one bloke has a licence to grow and i think it is in excessive of 500k-1mill including security etc. would love to run a farm like that. until then more than one plant and you could be up the shit depending on your barrister. cheers jewels
Mate your story is very similar to mine only maybe I’m a bit earlier . I started bush growing back in the mid 80s then stopped growing early 2000. Life got busy with young kids and work . I rediscovered my passion about 3 years ago then became aware of exactly what was available today . Wow my head exploded and still does from time to time .
I have to constantly tell myself you’ll never own or grow every strain that’s out there so rather than try and obtain a massive assortment focus on maybe a dozen well reviewed and proven strains at a time and grow them well rather than jumping around between strains and always resetting. You find yourself always chasing the next big thing otherwise which is fine if you have the time , space and energy and as you’ve noted Mr Piggy ?‍♀️ is always ready to make your day .
Personally, I don't have any desire or inclination to chase down every new hype hybrid, but I do have a weakness for IBLs. Many breeders don't like to release theirs though, for obvious reasons, so it add some spice to the hunt. Knowing that every IBL I add to the Vault gives me a whole bunch of new F1s to explore also helps tame the desire to buy new stuff, as it's more fun to make my own than grow someone else's.

As a cannabis consumer, I've found I'm happiest when I have half a dozen or more varieties to draw from at any given time, though I usually have 8 or 10 in the jars these days. I am a heavy user and subject to strain fatigue, but being able to reset the cannabinoid receptors with different strains keeps me happily toasted on demand. :)

Edit: damn thread...I just bought a new IBL since I posted. I blame YOU, @Frosty78 .
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I love it all....old school, new school...i am a flavor chaser. I spent years cooking professionally and my nose/tastebuds rule my world. I just find so many avenues to explore. I only dab these days. I find the flavors and highs to be cleaner, more distinct. My tolerance is quite high so i need to constantly switch up. As a pollen chucker I look at seed varieties as colors and I want a broad palette to pull from. I want to be able to say, "I need an orange that has this effect, or complimenting smell, or adds weight, and there are 3 lines to work with waiting at my fingertips.
I want to be able to say, "I need an orange that has this effect, or complimenting smell, or adds weight, and there are 3 lines to work with waiting at my fingertips.
That's why it's such a fine line for me. Too many varieties and I can never grow them all to the extent where I feel I know the strain. I think I'd rather have an intimate feel for a smaller number of strains, rather than having a passing acquaintance with a whole wack of them. Then, like you say, I can look to draw out and combine specific qualities with a greater chance of success.
I say that too, then I get an email from Amber...last night Iraqi Dubb from strayfox...but I mean come on iraqi x sour dubb. That shit is gonna be dabtastic.
what happens to me i stuff like that...

Heathen sent me his hoard...and i am ignorant. Strayfox Yeti OG F4 X Starfighter F5...its been sitting in my pile forever and now i KNOW WTF it is.

I have to get a damned white board to plan this out i get 1/4 of the unknown in every grow.
That's why it's such a fine line for me. Too many varieties and I can never grow them all to the extent where I feel I know the strain. I think I'd rather have an intimate feel for a smaller number of strains, rather than having a passing acquaintance with a whole wack of them. Then, like you say, I can look to draw out and combine specific qualities with a greater chance of success.
That’s exactly my view . I’d rather get my head around and fine tune a few nice strains than blast a whole new variety all the time . I’m not a heavy smoker these days . My job won’t allow it and to be honest I’m content smoking moderately ever other week .
To me personally I probably get a bigger buzz just seeing how well I can produce a plant to grow . In retrospect I should have been a farmer instead of a fisherman ?
That’s exactly my view . I’d rather get my head around and fine tune a few nice strains than blast a whole new variety all the time . I’m not a heavy smoker these days . My job won’t allow it and to be honest I’m content smoking moderately ever other week .
To me personally I probably get a bigger buzz just seeing how well I can produce a plant to grow . In retrospect I should have been a farmer instead of a fisherman ?
Especially for outdoor growers, where you have no choice but to match the genetics to the environment, this just makes so much more sense than to throw your hopes for the season behind unfamiliar strains.

And 100% on the "being a farmer" thing. I grew up in farming and ranching country but I was from an oilfield family so I had no idea what I was missing.
I look at seeds as the one thing I spend frivolously on.. and for good reason. They hold more value than pretty much any other worldly possession to me. I plan to pop everything I have.. whether it's by myself or in a co-op setting. So to me, you can never have enough.. as long as you truly plan to pop them or have someone else do the honors. Seeds are probably the best gift you can share with someone next to the end product.

Edit: Also.. I'm in a mindset of wanting to preserve the gene pool. I may not pop half the seeds I do with intentions of getting flower.. I may just pop them to reproduce them and keep them alive / take them to F2 for a more thorough search than a single pack would allow me.
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