Just a Couple Tent Shots


bad mother chucker
Staff member
Skunk on 49f

Cindy on 36f. Either I screwed up the dates or she's finishing quick


bad mother chucker
Staff member
Still getting to know the Mozambique Poison. In a world of couch-locky indicas, and buzzy, on the edge of anxiety, sativas, it is setting itself apart. The bland smell and subtle tastes make it easy to dismiss, but the effect is powerful. Not so much energetic as it is motivating, if that makes sense. At the same time it imparts a dreamy, float-away quality to thoughts. I was mixing nutes this morning and had to work to snap back into what I was doing, as a task I've done countless times became a challenge.

I found something I didn't know I was searching for, a new kind of high. :)
I'm out of MoPo seeds, but have a few more African cultivars to try. This has renewed my desire to work with them, down the road.


bad mother chucker
Staff member
Just plugging along here.

Next for the chop will be a Strawberry Shortcake cut. Both this one and the original donor were great flower but not huge producers. I've got a couple other cuts that I let veg a lot longer and I'm hoping for a good harvest when they flower out.

I'll get some pics of the first FJ x GB tester from Frim as soon as it gets a bit further along. It was flipped 13 days ago. Got a couple more to flip when there's space.

Got a pair of Sour Sparkles fems from Eso looking strong. I'll take cuts of the best one before flip. The previous ones were top notch.

The Black Cherry Slur-P are looking nice. Had one that was a bit behind so it got culled. It was a good plant, but I have enough on the go that I can be ruthless.

Popped the last of the HazeBerry from PSBC and got 100% germination. This was one of my favorites of the last year or so. The goal is to find a mom. I may keep a male if I get a quality one.

Finally, 3 of 4 of @Willie 's OrangeRox are above the coco. The last one might have gone if given time, but again, I'm being ruthless.

Oh, and I wet, watched, and eventually threw out another pack of bunk from Hemp Depot. This time it was Joey Weed White Widow that he stored poorly and sold long after any reasonable expectation of freshness. I'm working my way though the HD stuff I have, with an estimated >90% failure rate. Getting tired of watching my money wasted. Buyer beware if you deal with this guy. He's friendly and approachable, which makes his shitty business practices even more frustrating.


Damn bro... No wonder you're so sweet; got all that sugar everywhere.

That Blueberry Muffin brings in some frost too; I ran a Blue Cheese X Blueberry Muffin two years ago, and it was so sticky you'd get your arm hairs spiked bumping into her. I've got a few seeds of her left (it's a fem seed pack) and I'm totally going to run it again.


bad mother chucker
Staff member
Somehow managed to lose my Blueberry Muffin keeper that I had for years. I thought I had an extra cut, so I hit it with Romulan pollen, not realizing it was the last one. I could reveg one of the ones currently flowering. That decision will come later.
This is a really good pheno. If it was a D&D character, it wouldn't have any 18s, but no trait would be below 15.

That's kind of how I choose a keeper. Not so much by its strengths as by its weaknesses. It doesn't have to be perfect, but all traits: germ rates, vitality, structure, ease of cloning, flower time, stability, yield, flavour, aroma, effect, etc are very important. One low score can sewer an otherwise promising character.

I guess I'll see how the current crop does. Maybe I'll find a replacement strain.

I also need to jump back into the Cinderella 99 to find another keeper from that line. My long time Mom, who is well chronicled here, was all 16s and 17s or better. She had huge, hard, delicious spear-point buds with a wonderful happy high.


bad mother chucker
Staff member
Among candidates for new keepers: PSBC HazeBerry, and a couple new to me strains, Black Cherry Slur-P and OrangeRox. They are all still in veg but looking good.

I've run Strawberry Shortcake a few times and really like the flower, but she doesn't seem to yield enough in my garden to keep around long term. I've tweaked my space a bit, so maybe that will help. I've a couple more rooted cuts to run.

All 3 FJxGB testers from Frim are now in flower. One has just come out of stretch and the other two are in the first week. Pictures to follow.


I don't possess any.

I can't keep up with what I have, let alone what I make, and now I won some more amazing genetics in Frim's last contest.

Maybe a rich guy like you;) has money to buy a big collection of seeds he'll never grow, but not me. 😜

The only way I'd be rich, is if I was filled with cake and frosting, which doesn't sound too bad really, but, let's face it, Cheesecake would be the way to make me rich...For a bear haha.

Besides, most of my seed collection came from "This shit is gross, you'll love it, here" haha.


bad mother chucker
Staff member
Everything is progressing well. The Stash is filling up nicely, everything in flower looks and smells good, and there is an impressive looking crew warming up in the veg bullpen. :)

The little Blueberry Muffin cut that I hit with Romulan pollen is bursting with seeds, top to bottom. It's only day 35 since flip and some beans are already looking huge.
That got my seed making juices flowing so now I'll try to do too much and balance cuts and males and pollinations and moms until I get sick of it all and cut back to the basics.
Wont Happen Again Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

Until the next time...
do it wonderboy GIF

Anyway, any games I play will be involving mostly IBLs. I just put some repro Northern Lights from PSBC stock to soak. Ideally, I'd love to find a beast male, but a pretty girl to hit with Romulan and #1 Skunk(the only pollen I have atm) would also be lovely.

Such a wonderful hobby.:love:


Everything is progressing well. The Stash is filling up nicely, everything in flower looks and smells good, and there is an impressive looking crew warming up in the veg bullpen. :)

The little Blueberry Muffin cut that I hit with Romulan pollen is bursting with seeds, top to bottom. It's only day 35 since flip and some beans are already looking huge.
That got my seed making juices flowing so now I'll try to do too much and balance cuts and males and pollinations and moms until I get sick of it all and cut back to the basics.
Wont Happen Again Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

Until the next time...
do it wonderboy GIF

Anyway, any games I play will be involving mostly IBLs. I just put some repro Northern Lights from PSBC stock to soak. Ideally, I'd love to find a beast male, but a pretty girl to hit with Romulan and #1 Skunk(the only pollen I have atm) would also be lovely.

Such a wonderful hobby.:love:

You know I'm only just starting to do this part, and though it's early for me, I've already learned that I always want to pop more...

I yanked a Skywalker mystery cross today, and noticed one Rotted Skunk Pecker Cheese is looking like it'll be a male. I decided I'm leaving him in for now, just to see what he does, smells like, and looks like, because I'm not sure I can toss something so pungent, so easily lol.

Bro you have Skunk pollen?? Is it from the ones you ran, and sent me some of?? There's so many interesting things you could do with that!

I know you love Cindy, have you ever pollinated that with Skunk before? Ohhh! Romulan Skunk!!! That sounds wonderful too! You got my juices flowing now hahaha.

If it makes you feel better; there's a Velveeta that might be male too, and man is that going to complicate my decision-making lol.


bad mother chucker
Staff member
I also had a BBM mom for a long while. Just an awesome strain. It's smell and taste were a favorite in my circle.
Yeah, it was the reactions of others that told me how enjoyable BBM was. It was by far the most asked for, from chronics to occasional smokers. It wasn't wheelchair weed, it wasn't a daywrecker, just a really tasty smoke with a really nice high.
All your plants look excellent btw.

Thank you very much. I do my best in my lazy, half-assed way. ;)


bad mother chucker
Staff member
Rolling along here. :)

I could chop the BBM( x Romulan) any time but letting the beans cure on the vine. That should be a fun one to try.

The first FJ x GB tester is looking good and still smelling fantastic with a few weeks to go.

Was happy to see two BC Slur-P cuts rooted this morning, before finding the donor was a male a few minutes later. He's now culled. I'll flower out the best of the cuts and add the pollen to the collection.

@thenotsoesoteric Sour Sparkles is just like last time, a pleasure to grow and easy to clone. I presume the flower will also be top notch again.

Loving how the PSBC HazeBerry are looking. I'm thinking I'll take his F1 to F2 and perhaps beyond, as they are strong, vigorous and consistent. This cross has produced incredible flower and checks all of my boxes, so why not?
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