Looking for land races


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
There are a few land races im looking for. Realizing genetics are getting rather diluted, and want to bring back some oldies but goodies..
I know there are some seed vendors out there that supply these, but would rather ask known resources first :)

Balkhi - Pure Afghan
Chitrali - Pure Hindu Kush
Pakistan Chitral Kush
Kumaoni - Himalayan Charas does well outside in northern cooler latitudes
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GK Genetics
Staff member
There are a few land races im looking for. Realizing genetics are getting rather diluted, and want to bring back some oldies but goodies..
I know there are some seed vendors out there that supply these, but would rather ask known resources first :)

Balkhi - Pure Afghan
Chitrali - Pure Hindu Kush
Pakistan Chitral Kush
Kumaoni - Himalayan Charas does well outside in northern cooler latitudes

I have some Nepal Highland if you’re interested


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
@Phylex that Nepal highland looks interesting! What did you think of it? Any pronounced properties of interest? Anything your looking for?

Same goes for you @GCG ! Right now I'm just in planning stages! I do have some PCK and Kumaoni coming supposedly.. I will share those as I can also..


GK Genetics
Staff member
Any pronounced properties of interest?

@Deebs , like you, I've felt most genetics are rather diluted. The purpose of my Nepalese projects is creating ceiling-less, old school highs that I remember. I have a couple of roadmaps I planned out in an attempt to get there. Knowing this journey is going to take some time, I threw in a couple of side projects to play with along the way as well. I'm aiming for something that not only includes, but has higher levels of THC-V. Without any solid, scientific evidence, since cannabinoids are still rather unknown with how they react with each other, it's my personal opinion that THC-V is a key component in unlocking the old school goals I'm after. THC-V is a known property of Nepalese which is the primary reason I chose it.

What did you think of it?

I don't have any solid, personal feedback to give you at this point in time. I started my Nepalese project earlier this year. Shortly after I started and dunked all of the seeds to hunt through, COVID happened. I decided it was best to shut down for awhile for personal reasons. I put all of my projects on hold. Since I knew projects were temporarily shutting down, and my hunt was going to be postponed, I used that opportunity to create more stock for future use. I was originally planning an open pollination for preservation purposes of the Nepal Highland. However one male in particular had impeccable structure. It was hands down the best naturally structured plant I have ever come across. So I mildly changed course because of it. I decided rather than doing an open pollination, I only used the pollen from this perfectly structured male. I let him pollinate every Nepalese female I had. I wanted to ensure his structure had an opportunity to influence any future stock that would be used when the hunt resumed post COVID. Because of this, I cannot give you personal feedback on any details of the strain because this is only as far as I've gotten with it. Everything was pollinated and I'm still shucking seeds from that run. I wasn't afforded the luxury of multiple grows or selecting females as previously mentioned. That is all still TBD and will take time.

What I do know is it's milder THC% wise. Which was of no concern to me because I'm not chasing the highest THC% possible but rather a specific cannabinoid profile. I personally don't believe it's all about THC% but rather the cannabinoid profile and how they react with each other, and more importantly THC-V.

Here's a few documented notes from other sources:

Strain Type: Highland Nepalese 5th generation- Nepal Highland P5 is a traditional pure landrace charas cultivated at Himalayan Nepal an altitude of between 1000m - 3000m received by Refeerman.

- Quick flowering mountain sativa.

- It's a plant of medium size, not specially long internodes, and very easy for growing. It has medium and strong branches. Also finding some much more conical production plants with not very developed branches.

- It has an acceptable size for any kind of space, both in outdoor and indoors.

- It flowers between 60-70 days giving some very good quality flowers. The majority of times they're dense and strong buds, but also there are some more sativa like-buds; a bit more airy.

Bouquet: From floral, citrus and sweet-creams scents

Effect: Strong high, uplifting and corporal, full body effect

Yield: High yielder indoor and outdoors

Anything your looking for?

Nothing in particular other than I'm always looking for older, harder to come by genetics to add into the vault. Out of curiosity, what did you have that you were thinking about trading?


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
So I thought I would post what i have so far, was going to keep it tighter until its more defined. Still waiting for delivery on a couple cultivars.. Being that i want to run a community project, would love some community feedback.

@Phylex I have most of the lines in this doc already, if there is something you wish. More collecting to do.

Project pHenohunter:

Start of Charter
  • Basics: This is a community project driven by pHenohunter to preserve historic genetics.
  • Project goals: The preservation of Genetics for the Cannabis Community
  • Stakeholders: Team pHenohunter, The Worldwide Cannabis Community
  • Customers: Once all preservation runs have been completed if they were possible, as possible seed shall be distributed among the pHenohunter breeders, and community to phenohunt.
  • Project managers and staff: TBD
  • Process: Preservation Run, pHeno Run, documentation, analysis, determine matches using genetics and traits. This will run similar to Deming's PDCA cycle.
  • Risk: Unable to preserve a genetic line with the current stock available. If this occurs, a search will be done to procure that cultivar for a future run
  • Timeline and expected expenses: TBD on the timeline, I will take care of any budgetary items as needed
  • Signatures: TBD

Mission: To build, breed, preserve, and collect lines of land race/heirloom varieties for breeders, chuckers, and pHenohunter’s around the world. Taking cultivation back to the “roots”!

Ill be mocking up this project plan this weekend hopefully. Ignore dates, information alignment here right now:

View attachment 20217

Would love any and all feedback, especially from breeders, and informed chuckers. Can detail some of this process


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Cannabis Chaotician
Staff member
I have a couple strains that may be of interest for this project but honestly, not enough of a landrace expert to know if its what your looking for...

But I have the Coastal Swazi Burmese, which is their landrace IBL Burmese crossed to a landrace Swazi... since Coastal is defunct now I'm going to do an open pollination with my remaining beans in the near future and would be happy to share the resulting seeds if anyone wants to hunt through them. Coastal listed this as a "Pure Sativa Rare Landrace Hybrid"

I also have some Ketama from world of seeds ... its a landrace pure Indica from Morocco. Unfortunately they're S1 and I only have a few beans left... I thought about reversing them myself to make sure s2 but decided I wanted to get a better handle on breeding in general first, so if you or anyone else wants to mess with them I'll happily send them along

And finally ... my hunt continues for the pure Lambsbread of my heyday ... if I find it, it will definitely be shared


The Sentient Naturewalker
Staff member
I have a couple strains that may be of interest for this project but honestly, not enough of a landrace expert to know if its what your looking for...

But I have the Coastal Swazi Burmese, which is their landrace IBL Burmese crossed to a landrace Swazi... since Coastal is defunct now I'm going to do an open pollination with my remaining beans in the near future and would be happy to share the resulting seeds if anyone wants to hunt through them. Coastal listed this as a "Pure Sativa Rare Landrace Hybrid"

I also have some Ketama from world of seeds ... its a landrace pure Indica from Morocco. Unfortunately they're S1 and I only have a few beans left... I thought about reversing them myself to make sure s2 but decided I wanted to get a better handle on breeding in general first, so if you or anyone else wants to mess with them I'll happily send them along

And finally ... my hunt continues for the pure Lambsbread of my heyday ... if I find it, it will definitely be shared
Hellz ya! Open pollination sounds great!! Got some more planning to do for sure before this is kicked off!


Cannabis Chaotician
Staff member
I think its time to seriously consider grabbing at least one of these for the forum...

That would be amazing... what a cool piece of tech, never even seen that before!


Tactical Gardener
Staff member
Dude, this is cool as hell. I want one now. Hmmmm. Make it so much easier to streamline breeding projects. Could it also test male samples?
I want to say its just a basic spectrometer... I dont think it would have that functionality... gonna stop guessing now and read up...


Tactical Gardener
Staff member
Purpl PRO utilizes near-infrared spectroscopy, which involves shining light on the sample and analyzing the light that is returned. In this part of the light spectrum (just beyond the red light human eyes can see) molecules react to specific regions of the light to generate a “molecular fingerprint” that can be correlated with concentration. The Purpl PRO was calibrated against HPLC measurements from multiple state-certified testing laboratories.

From the Website about what it can measure:

Currently, Total THC and Total CBD in cured, ground flower. In 2019 a software update will also allow measurement of moisture and water activity. Towards the end of 2019/early 2020 it will also allow potency measurement of extracts.
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