
Hey everyone, I wasn't real sure where to put this question, so hopefully I get a couple people to chime in on here. I don't HATE anything. I may dislike some things a lot but, I really try not HATE. Just for principle. But I ABSOLUTELY HATE MOSQUITOES!!!!!!! I can't find much good in their existence.hahaha. Anyway, for those of you who build soil or maybe compost I would think too, have you ever had an issue with....... Mosquitoes.... I shake when I say it. I personally build soil, and I've never had this problem. But we have already broken the record for wettest August on record, and that was on the 15th. We have had 2+ inches since then already. July was not a "dry" month either, so im assuming that has something to do with it. Now I've read somewhere that mosquito dunks are safe to use. Break them up sprinkle the dust/crumbs into your soil, wet down and turn. I do see where, at least the ones I see, are bacteria mostly. I can't think of the name, im a work actually. B something. But I do know of that bacteria as a beneficial of sorts. In that it combats harmful pathogens etc. I would definitely have to cross check that to be sure, but it would make sense considering the use in the dunk against larva of the dreaded and possibly feared....... Mosquito!!! So I'm curious if anyone is familiar with this at all? I also thought about "cooking them off" by like laying a black tarp on the soil and heating it up via sun rays fun days. Don't even know if that would work, but I've seen some hot ass soil before so I thought maybe. I'm all ears to any suggestions as my wife would literally kill me if brought in 10, 7 gal bags of mosquito larvae. I'm not looking forward to that situation either. So yeah, all ears, if anyone can help me get rid of mosquitoes in my soil box.. Oh, also, and of course, my soil is done cooking from being made about 1.5-2 months ago so I'm hoping to be able to us it relatively quickly. It's needed now honestly, but I can push off a bit. Thanks everyone and any one for your time and help. Much appreciated.
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis is whats in the mosquito dunks and you can find it for hose end sprayer for yard application also have heard about nematodes working for them as well Good Luck.
Thank you, that's the b word I was looking for. Ok so that is safe to do and I did not make up reading that somewhere then? I was aware of the nematodes, but I have yet to use any. I don't know, just haven't yet.
Mosquitos are the worst. I've been getting bit no fewer than 5-6 times each day.

A couple years back I bought a Thermacell mosquito repellent device. It has a little butane burner that heats a pad, the vapor from the pad keep the mosquitos away. It seems to work, maybe not perfectly, but I definitely get bit less when I use it.
Mosquitos are the worst. I've been getting bit no fewer than 5-6 times each day.

A couple years back I bought a Thermacell mosquito repellent device. It has a little butane burner that heats a pad, the vapor from the pad keep the mosquitos away. It seems to work, maybe not perfectly, but I definitely get bit less when I use it.
I love my thermal cell. Do you refill your carts? If not I can show you how. Save a shit ton of money. Also, if you can wait forever for them. The pads, you can get from I do for super cheap. Just takes a while to get to you. But yeah, we definitely love ours. We have a few now, on the boat, porches,etc....they actually work well.
I also thought about "cooking them off" by like laying a black tarp on the soil and heating it up via sun rays fun days. Don't even know if that would work,
I say win win here.
That process is what hardcore aquarium plant growers call 'mineralizing' soil. Helps chelate and such. Burns off ammonia spikes.

Powdery mildew would be killed at that temp as well.

As far as the muzzies are concerned: nymphs emerge from water only. Of all the things soil may 'bring in' - mosquitoes aint one of 'em.
I agree with @Jewels , cook it ! We deal with flying devils all year long here. I love my thermacell when outside. Professor at U of FL says after 30 years of reasearch the only thing that works is DEET. If you want to rid your yard of insects, you can get T C Flowable, it is a termite pre treatment before you lay your slabs. Do not spray in or around your garden or flower if there are bees. Ants fleas ticks everything will be gone for the rest of the season. I get it from Tractor Supply. It works great but be careful!
After you cook your compost pile, turn it over and spray it with a soda( not diet, you want the sugar ) and a beer. Shake them up good and let them go. Use 1 of each for every 6 to 9 inches of compost. It will kick start it after the cook. Good luck on it.
Myself I will avoid chemicals whenever possible. Too many chances to fuck up my animals, kids, the environment, and myself too. Lol.

Don't get me wrong, I'll use what I need to do the job, but I go natural whenever possible.
For my patio and yard I plant stuff that keeps them basterds away. Not often I even see any mosquitos around my yard if at all.
Lemongrass and lavendar in particular I like because they smell so good too.
Here's a list of plants that work for such things as well as many other pests.
Deet as a repellent
BTIsraeli for treating standing water. Car tires, plastic bags, even a rubber boot with standing water will breed mosquitoes.
Eliminate breeding water- eliminate mosquitoes.
I agree wholeheartedly with both @JL2G and @Jewels , I never use chemicals on anything I consume or that could get run off to one of my ponds. I was introduced to the the tc flowable a few years back during an outbreak of West Nile in the horse herd in our area. Living close to swamps make prevention next to impossible you are just left with eradication and dealing with them. So goes living in the hot humid south. BUT SKEETERS, HATE‘EM-KILL’EM ALL ?‍☠️
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