Observation-Deep dish


Tilts at Tables
Yesterday I dry Sulphur dusted.
Temperature is 26 Celsius.
Light is 24/7 and strong
Plants were drenched with strong drink.
Still wet from foliar rinse/feed.
Humidty spiked from 40 to 80 rh - after 4 hours, is now back to 40rh
I am starting to see a pattern here. Deep dish taco.
I understand the overall droop is normal after watering.

Excuse the (hps) colour , and the sugar.

Can you make any generalizations about the shape of these leaves?

That fan is beauty, eh?


Are these tough edges from overfeeding?
Is it a constant low humidity thing?
They only out of routine activities have been : increasingly strong feeds.
They are seemingly happy, and growing like hell. I am just curious what you guys see in these photos?
Just a consequence of "asaparagus mode"?

These babies will experience 'Darkness' ,for the first time in their lives, later this week.
I am trying to achieve escape velocity. ?
At your temps I wouldn't think heat stress is an issue. Could it be due to an over watering/overfeeding situation? Lock Out? I'm sure someone here has a much deeper insight than I. That the first things i think of though ~ She is definitely talking, trying to say something
Whats your PH normally? For some reason I keep going back to nutrient lockout due to pH fluctuation in my head....blazed and it's a challenging puzzle ..hehe
Elaborate on what my mind is thinking about...you mentioned feeding alot, I just wandered if the pH was affecting the mag uptake
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Ph approaches 8
180-250 seasonal ppm.
I use the micro's and (citric) ph-down every watering.
No signs of deficiencies or lock-out. Colour good, water uptake good , growth good. Making observations on leaf shape.

I wondered if it was Defensive posturing, however I see it at varied crown distance.

It seems they are growing faster than they can straighten out. I wonder if that is a consequence of low humidity ?
Perhaps I struck a heavenly brown chord with my feed?
These alterboys praying too hard ?

3x LA Affie
Psychodelic spectrum. Veg crowns

You mentioned you were high humidity briefly? That affects co2 processing and the movement of water and nutes...was in a doc I recently read..going to have to go read it again..posted in main forum

I'll be quite now so the experts can answer, your question just had me thinking. ?
What about transpiration due to the RH change? Another thing that had me wondering you mentioned it just wasnt on the tops (on all levels)...that kinda ruled that heat out for me too, so leaning on the RH factor. Im intrigued, and would love to know the answer hehe.
I am starting to think this is a reaction to watering, as they flatten out over the course of the day.

PS- I should mention, with the exception of the Affie shot, every photo in this thread is @Phylex Galactic Funk. Not topped, and still non-alternating after 40 days. She puts out a leaf set a day.
If she flowers with this vigor, I got a real winner on my hands.
I give up.
I can't take a photo of this thing every 4 hours. Yesterday, it was not fully open. Now is bigger than my hand.
That fan is wider than the bucket.
Shou'be good !

C'mon 4/20 - bring it.
I am so ready.
I'ma gon'na flip this so hard, she'll chip a tooth on the headboard.
I will copy paste a thread I made on VPD in another forum in a seperate post. You have a very high VPD so the plants are not transpiring well and thus not able to cool themselves. So you get signs of heat stress. With low humidity and good airflow it will compound the problem. Evidence that would help confirm this to me is how fast they are trying to pull water from the soil (after reading my next post this will make more sense) this can create a nutrient imbalance in some cases as some nutrients are passively taken up. So once this is fixed you will need to adjust you feed concentration to be a bit more to compensate for less passive uptake.

I'll leave it at that for now and go copy paste for ya.
ok took 3 posts to get it on here but here is the link to the thread.


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