how about one of those vapor brothers vape in a wood box with a whip? probably many knock offs by now on eBay for dirt cheap
Someone on here posted about getting one of these a while back. It sounds like the next evolutionary step in ball vapes, with no more exposed coils. If it fits your price range, it sounds like a great unit.
Also, if you have the original unit, you can send it in and they will upgrade it to a ball vape.
As far as desktops, it's big, high-powered cloud makers like my B-0 or Thermal Twist or the one above, or nothing, IMO. There's a bunch of guys on here with b-0's and we all love them. Things like the Volcano and XQ are yesterday's tech.
The reason I suggested the Solo 3 is that it's basically a handheld desktop pretending to be a portable. It's too big for pocket carry but great on an end table. The pass-through charging means you can use it plugged in and the big battery means you can carry it anywhere in the house or yard or shop or car.
The upgraded heater is a big improvement on earlier models. Check out r/vaporents for lots of great user reviews. There's a shit-ton of reviews and reports of the Tiny Might and Venty(two current darlings of the scene) failing and being replaced multiple times, while the only complaints anyone has with the Solo 3(other than being BIG) are a slightly clunky interface.
IMO, the main option for face-melting portables these days are the butane vapes. There's a bunch of companies that have taken the OG dynavap idea and improved it big-time. These are for hardcore vapers though, as there is a learning curve most won't bother with.
I still use my dynavaps daily. With proper technique they still hit harder than pretty much any battery powered portable, and newer units like the Stunner or the BFG Fusion or the Tempest are bigger and more powerful.