Site News

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Staff member
Hello Everyone! On behalf of the Staff here at, we want to THANK YOU for joining our growing ;) community. With your support, we will be able to build this into something really special for all of us. If you haven't already, please take a moment to read the Site Rules & TOS -

This thread will be updated periodically with various info, from basic site functionality and tips, to upcoming plans for site growth (including upgraded performance/functionality, enhanced features, etc).



Most of you are familiar with the forum software and can navigate fairly easily. The following is some basic functionality that could be of reference:

- Profile - Make sure to set your user Account Details. There are very important settings that you can customize to your needs. Of special consideration - make sure the settings to display your profile is set according to how you want to share info. Example: You set your birthday but you don't want to show your age. You can uncheck that particular piece of info to not display on your profile to the public. Make sure you go through all of the settings to ensure they are to your liking.

- Site Theme - You probably have noticed the Dark Theme of the forum. It has pros and cons just like everything, and not every user prefers them. There is an option on the bottom left corner of the page where you can toggle between the "Default Theme" (White Background, Black Letters) and the "XenDark Theme" (Black Background, White Letters). Keep in mind that we may change the color schemes at any time as the site evolves (or for seasonality/events/etc).

- Private Messages (PMs, aka DMs) - You have the ability to PM multiple people in one group chat. This could be helpful to chat with several of your growmies at a time about things that don't need to be stated in public such as trades, meetups, etc. Be mindful of who you engage, and the potential risks involved. After all, this is the internet; along with the beauty of freedom and anonymity, there is the other end of the spectrum to be wary of as well. *** Please note - PMs are just that. Private. We do not and will not monitor any PMs unless there is an extremely dire life or death type of situation (and we mean EXTREME). If that is not safe enough for you, then go outside of the site and use a different service for such communications. ***



The site is run on a robust server network that has private, dedicated (unshared) storage space with a hearty amount of bandwidth. We want you to enjoy your experience here, and in order to deliver that, we need to have a solid foundation to work with. As the site grows, we will be assessing server settings/needs and adjust/upgrade as needed to maintain optimal performance.


Upcoming Features

- Reactions - The "like" emojis you see are from the default settings. We are in the process of procuring new designs and artwork, as well as restructuring the point system (example: increased points for an "extra high like" vs. just 1 point for every type of like).

- Badges - We will be piloting a "Badge" system where badges can be earned in accordance with a point system or on an ad-hoc basis, similar to the trophies that are already present. The difference is that not only can we award badges based on points earned, but we can also award for certain accomplishments (we can get really creative here folks ;)).


Once again, we appreciate you joining us and being a part of our growing community!

...the Hunt is on
Editing/Deleting Messages - You have the ability to edit or delete your posts within 30 minutes from initial posting. The intent of this is to preserve history while still allowing time for an "oops" moment or "OK let me rephrase that" type of deal. Unlimited deleting of posts can take away from the main purpose of a forum, which is to share info with others who have a common interest. In a sense, it "cheapens" the forum in that regard.
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New Site Theme (Option)

- We have a new site theme that is another option you can pick on the bottom left corner. It's called "Shades of Grey (Blue text)" and is quite crisp in my opinion. The site will default to this theme, but you can always switch to what you want. Please inform me if you are having any trouble with this.

- On the bottom right, you should see up and down arrows as you are scrolling the page. This allows you to quickly go to the top or bottom of the page. This function is available on both Desktop and Mobile devices.
- On the upper right corner of each post, there are two icons 1581825319382.png
- 1581825367161.png this is to quickly share the post via the most commonly used social media platforms (unfortunately there is no link for Instagram in the defaults, but if there is interest, then we will look into adding it)
- 1581825561994.png this is to bookmark the post for easy reference. You can then find the list of bookmarks in your user profile (clicking on your avatar, and choosing the options from there). Example of usage: someone posted a great tidbit of information on how to properly mix nutes for a soilless medium, and you wanted to always have it to reference back.

We now have a total of 9. Please see the points assigned below and be mindful/tactful of how you use them, especially the ones that add/lose points.

- Like (standard thumbs up) - 1 Point
- FrostyAF! - 5 Points
- FIRE! - 10 Points
- HaHa - 1 Point
- ROFLMFAO! - 3 Points
- Sad - 0 Points
- EWW! - 0 Points
- Facepalm - 0 Points
- AssHat^ -

- Added a new tab in the Navigation Bar (at the top on Desktop and on the left side on Mobile Devices) - quicker access to Site Announcements (specifically the Site News thread). This thread will keep you up to date with all of the updates and enhancements to the Forum and Site. This is the quickest and best way to stay informed with our rapidly growing and evolving community.

New Emoji (aka Smilie)

Flaming Hot Poop
Keyboard Shortcut - : hotpoop : - no spaces in between the colon marks, it kept posting the emoji instead of the text shortcut.

This is in the Reactions Menu, and has been ported to the Emojis section as well. You may start seeing new Emojis appear as we're working on updates behind-the-scenes. As we're applying live updates (so we don't need to reset the server), some emojis may appear funky at first until we dial them in. The sizing/positioning is crucial and is a trial & error type of thing.
New Emojis (aka Smilies)

Note: All of the keyboard shortcuts shown below have spaces for display purposes only (otherwise it would just display the emoji). Make sure not to use spaces when using keyboard shortcuts in order for the emoji to display correctly. You can also select from the emoji menu.


- : skunk : - :skunk:

- : brainfart : - :brainfart:

- : chillpill : - :chillpill:

- : oldskoolog : - :oldskoolog:

- : breaktime : - :breaktime:

- : stoned : - :stoned:

- : passjhomie : - :passjhomie:

- : passjbuds : - :passjbuds:

- : bong : - :bong:

- : lazycouchlock : - :lazycouchlock:

- : dance : - :dance:

- : dogsmoke : :dogsmoke:
Reactions Update

- Like has been restyled thumb-up-32-green.png

- Dislike has been added thumb-down-32.png - Note: this is negative 1 point


Push Notifications Enabled

- This will allow push notifications on most browsers except Apple/iOS (sorry, no such capability exists at this time for this forum software). Please make sure to set your User Preferences to Allow/Disallow push notifications. This can be tailored by event to your liking. Please contact a Moderator or me if you have issues or questions regarding Push Notifications.
Reactions Rollback

After some evaluation and feedback, the reactions menu has been rolled back to the original extended set. Negative Thumbs Down and On Point have been removed.

Thanks for your patience as we're dialing in and trying to find the sweet spot.

The "What's new" menu is now more organized and intuitive, separating "Unread Posts" from "Latest Posts" among other things. This has the potential to save you time finding what you need especially if you have a limited time window to make a quick check on forum content.


Within these categories, there is a refresh countdown timer at the top. Default is set to every 60 seconds, you can set it to up to 300 seconds. You can also manually refresh or stop the refresh altogether with the buttons in the upper left corner:

Functionality - Alerts

The Alerts drop down has added functionality:


Notice that there are stars to show if you've read an alert. You can also mark them unread if you want to keep an alert new to check later. The alerts can also be summarized, which displays the Reaction Score summary for a particular thread you may have started. You can set that functionality in your User Profile under Alerts:


If you click on "Resummarize alerts" it will calculate all of the reactions and display accordingly so you can gauge the level of activity within that thread.

You can also click on "Unsummarize alerts" to remove that thread from summarizing the reactions:


Compare this example with the first example; notice how the alerts that had "Unsummarize alerts" are now gone, and the summarized reaction counts have disappeared as well.

These updates are meant to enhance your experience on the forum by improving efficiency. As always, your feedback is welcome.
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Privacy and Security

- All JPEG image files (one of the most popular smartphone image formats) are now automatically stripped of EXIF data upon upload, further enhancing security on this site. EXIF data, which means Exchangeable Image File Format, can contain data such as brand of camera used, potentially the location of the picture taken (if your device has location enabled), file type, date/time picture taken, camera exposure settings, etc.

We respect your privacy and are advocates of making use of the security measures available to protect your private information.
New Section


We are mainly a Cannabis focused site, but we also recognize that many of our members share an interest in Psychedelics (such as Magic Mushrooms).

We have added a section for Entheogens (aka Psychedelics). Please take the time to read the stickies on the top of each section before posting. Although we do everything we can to maintain a safe environment for discussion, it is still up to you to do your due diligence before posting. If you have any questions or need guidance, please contact a Moderator.



Enjoy :)
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