If I can give you any advice here, its be more specific. Lots of intelligent growers here, mind readers... idk. I'm def not one of them. But maybe I can at least help get you going down the right path.
Large pot- 20, 50, 200 gallon?? Or do you consider a 5 gallon pot pretty large?? Using terms like big, small, a little, occasionally, etc. are pretty useless terms on the internet. Use real measurements grams, tbs, oz, gallons etc.
Liquid plant food- if I'm not mistaken foxfarm has at least 15+ liquid plant foods??
So did you feed every week? or when you thought it needed it? Or did you feed every week, because you thought you needed it?
See what I mean? Your leaving too many variables open to interpretation which is generally an expressway to nowhere.
Gather your thoughts, find & then communicate the real world info people will need here to help you answer your question & I almost guarantee you will get the info you need ?