The Skunky Dunk madness


🔥Freak Genetics🔥
Good morning everybody!
I broke down this mornin and bought a Blue Lab ph pen and kcl.
Never had one, hope they are worth the bang for the buck.
I need to retire my regiment of yellow and black pens, always have to use 2 and check with ph strips on occasion.
I guess i should have ordered 4.0 and 7.0 standards too, ive got 7.0 here somewheres.
Whohooooo! Stepping it up?

Skunky Dunk Farms

Cannabinoid Receptor
Well, yesterday was a sad day for the SD farm.
We have raised cactus and succulents for 25 years and many of our plants are older than that.
Last week we had a low of -16*.
Heat was blazin in there to combat the cold. Succulents don't show damage fast.
I went out yesterday mornin to find the entire house dead, froze beyond froze.
We filled a wheelbarrow 4 times with the carcasses.
Sad sad day.


Pretty good, but kinda free. Lol.
I couldn't pass it up, it was kind of a grow yard sale. I got a couple more 600w digital ballasts, bulbs and reflectors a fluorescent setup a 400w led a bunch of new cloth smart pots and the new rosin press for a couple z's im pretty happy.
Figured it was, glad you saw that. lol
Sounds like bargain. That’s my prepper plan, barter weed for...? )

Fun to get a bunch of new stuff too!

Skunky Dunk Farms

Cannabinoid Receptor
So i was reading through Gs trees thread earlier and he was having a bit of anxiety and giddiness about his upcoming outdoor crop and i began to be a bit jealous or at least envious of his delima.

So, as i sit here and take a bit of tincture i started thinking about growing outside.
I guess I've been kinda grieving the loss of our succulent collection and hadn't really thought about the fact that i have an "entire empty greenhouse now"!

Thanks @GthaEnigma , i think lol.
Ive got "more" dang plans to make for this season.


🔥Freak Genetics🔥
So i was reading through Gs trees thread earlier and he was having a bit of anxiety and giddiness about his upcoming outdoor crop and i began to be a bit jealous or at least envious of his delima.

So, as i sit here and take a bit of tincture i started thinking about growing outside.
I guess I've been kinda grieving the loss of our succulent collection and hadn't really thought about the fact that i have an "entire empty greenhouse now"!

Thanks @GthaEnigma , i think lol.
Ive got "more" dang plans to make for this season.
I'm getting pretty pumped for spring ?
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