24 Hour Veg


pHeno pHisher
I know this is a debate that’ll probably never end and be open to prior experience and research but I have noticed so far in my limited few years at first pre vegging before moving outdoors and eventually moving into the indoor only veg cycle I’ve ran all my plants at 24 hours lighting before the next transition and as yet haven’t noticed any stress or hermying or unusual growth that seems to be mentioned as a possible outcome from doing this nor have I seen any pics or heard stories of veg cycles gone drastically wrong from running it . Just wondering if anyone has any negative experiences or ran a comparison veg cycle to test the theory . Just asking the question as us growers do ?.
I've never intentionally run 24/0, but I did plug a supplemental HLG 65 into the wrong socket a while back, bypassing the timer. I didn't notice for days, and it was unhappy plants that made me realize there was an issue. It wasn't catastrophic, but my C99 especially was showing effects.

Plugged the HLG into the timer and the plants perked up to their previous state fairly quickly.

I know this is a tiny amount of data to form an opinion, but it dovetails with what I've read. I believe plants benefit from a dark period.
I know this is a debate that’ll probably never end and be open to prior experience and research but I have noticed so far in my limited few years at first pre vegging before moving outdoors and eventually moving into the indoor only veg cycle I’ve ran all my plants at 24 hours lighting before the next transition and as yet haven’t noticed any stress or hermying or unusual growth that seems to be mentioned as a possible outcome from doing this nor have I seen any pics or heard stories of veg cycles gone drastically wrong from running it . Just wondering if anyone has any negative experiences or ran a comparison veg cycle to test the theory . Just asking the question as us growers do ?.

Well, i only have my own experiences but i have grown since the 70's last century.
I've always started seeds under 24 hours, when up potted to 1 gal i go to 18 hours and stay there until flip.
Never seen any adverse reactions from this regime.
I've never intentionally run 24/0, but I did plug a supplemental HLG 65 into the wrong socket a while back, bypassing the timer. I didn't notice for days, and it was unhappy plants that made me realize there was an issue. It wasn't catastrophic, but my C99 especially was showing effects.

Plugged the HLG into the timer and the plants perked up to their previous state fairly quickly.

I know this is a tiny amount of data to form an opinion, but it dovetails with what I've read. I believe plants benefit from a dark period.
So you originally had them on a dark period then broke the cycle to full 24 hours and the plants reacted . Would’ve maybe been interesting to see if they eventually adjusted and powered on . Thanks for the feedback
Well, i only have my own experiences but i have grown since the 70's last century.
I've always started seeds under 24 hours, when up potted to 1 gal i go to 18 hours and stay there until flip.
Never seen any adverse reactions from this regime.
So far I haven’t noticed any negatives either in my limited time . Nothing has red flagged me to adjust the light period ??‍♂️
So far I haven’t noticed any negatives either in my limited time . Nothing has red flagged me to adjust the light period ??‍♂️
I did this for a long time , only thing I noticed was the plants staying shorter and nodes tighter. I switched a while back to 20/2 and have great results. There aren't negatives to 24 but the idea of the plant never seeing darkness always made me think ?
I've run veg for 24 & 18. 24 when I first started cuz it's what I was taught. When my teacher couldnt give me a good reason why, I got curious & tried 18. The only difference I ever saw was on the electric bill. Plants looked identical to me.

Think about this, every 4 days you run for 18 hours instead of 24 you are saving a whole days light usage(6 hours per day x 4 days = 24).

Over the period of a month that's 7 full 24 hour days worth of electricity you would save to achieve the same results.

Over the period of a year 24hr vs 18hr you are using 90 more days worth of electricity.

Now think about that; over the course of a year you could save almost a full runs electricity usage just by vegging at 18 instead of 24.
I did this for a long time , only thing I noticed was the plants staying shorter and nodes tighter. I switched a while back to 20/2 and have great results. There aren't negatives to 24 but the idea of the plant never seeing darkness always made me think ?
Does beg the question the conditions that occur naturally the plant would have evolved to over thousands of years and that said in some way shape or form you’d think would have an influence
Personally, I think plants should have rest. Some people say nothing happens at night, but if that was the case, it wouldn't be Christmas morning everyday when the lights come on.

They (at least mine do) have significant gains in height and girth with even just 4-6 hrs rest, even just in veg, nevermind the explosive gains in early flower.
Often, with more gain than if the plants were under light those 4-6 hrs. Spurts of growth. So that proves something happens at night. It's not like they shoot up a couple inches+ immediately when the lights come on. It happens overnight.

And quite often, when I would go 24 hrs, I would end up with a general malaise with the plant after a week or more. The plant would seem to come back to life after a few nights with a little rest.

The only thing I keep under 24 hrs are rooting clones, and once rooted, onto a 18/6 veg cycle.

Just my preference. Many people seem to make 24 hr veg cycles work, I can't.
Never had an issue. I feel they grow quicker and I like the short node spacing. I find they show sex quick after flipping to 10.5/13.5 for flower.
They usually need feed a lot more?
Yep I’ve never had any issues either as yet . To be honest I haven’t vegged at all with a dark period so haven’t seen the contrast first hand but seeing my 24 hr results I haven’t felt I’ve needed to alter course yet ??
seedlings are fine 24-0. When they are vegging i find its not good for growth.

They grow super tight internodes but never look as good as 18-6 does.

And it saves a lot. They do something in the darkness that is important.

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