So first thing for you guys to know, with mushrooms, lsd , dmt, these are seratonin agonist psychedelics, so if you take an SSRI/Antidepressant or any kind of antipsychotic it can completely block your trip, and taking large doses to overpower an SSRI can cause seratonin symdrome.
The material a.mushroom is mad eof is called chitin it is the same chemical structure as the shells on insects, your stomach does not digest it that's why anything over an 8th will start messing you stomach up bad.
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POWDERIZE the mushrooms in a coffee grinder, not a weed grinder, only a coffee grinder will POWDERIZE them
Put the powdered mushrooms in the mug.
Put water on the stove and bring it to a full boil.
Pour boiling water into the mug, and stir with a spoon. Dont worry boiling water does not hurt the chemical.
Add 1 packet of Nestle hot chocolate with real cacao
Stir and sit for 15 minutes. A full 15 minutes.
Let the mug sit at the end and all the mushroom material will sink to the bottom of the mug.
The liquid should be about room.temp by now Dldrink the liquid witho uh t disturbing the mushroom mass on the bottom.of the mug. You'll end up getting a littl mushroom swallowed but nothing compared to eating them all.
It kicks in faster and harder because its already diluted in liquid
CHOCOLATE AND CACAO has been used by the Oaxacan Indians from the beginning to mix with mushrooms they claimed it allowed them to contact the spirit of the cacao tree,
What I can say about it is for some reason having real cacao and it blending with the psilocybin has ALWAYS made my trips very very upbeat and happy theres seriously something to it.
Dmt mushrooms and lsd all rely on your blood sugar to produce their visual effects, and can drain you.bloodsugar especially lsd
The night before tripping eat a carb heavy meal, like spaghetti the morning of eat fruit bananas preferably or an orange. Dont fill up on fruit just have like a piece and then take your dose.
Carbs are slow burning sugars giving you a steady supply of sugar all day and fruit is a simple sugar so it burns fast, this also helps to keep your trip less serious, when our blood sugar gets low our brain goes into survival mode , and a trip can become more serious, no good or bad, but more intense. Keeping you blood sugar up helps to keep your brain out of survival mode and have a more.light hearted trip.
On lsd if you ever get that strobing in your peripheral vision that is a clear sign of low blood sugar eat some fruit!!